Good stuff. One step closer to your degree.
Good stuff. One step closer to your degree.
I sure hope Halo 3's MP sees an influx of fresh blood with the MCC. I'd play it occasionally, if I had the console to do so.
There's no denying the MCC is a good value.
I hated Halo 4.
I was interested in that a few months back but didn't have the money to subscribe. Pretty badass, for sure. If i get a subscription I'll end up sharing the goodies with my son.
Do they send you your actual size shirt>
^^ I got it from the current Humble Bundle. I'm going to give it a whirl this weekend.
that'd be THE SHIT...if you do that, I'll totally make it my avatar for PixlBit!
I started up a playthrough of Persona 4 as soon as I beat Arkham Asylum, Lee....but playing P4 is making me fall back in love with the I very well may end up wittling away at Disgaea afterward!
lol. it's a compound word comprised of three of the body's more foul odors. If you've ever been in a locker've smelled it
Glad you get to go back and hang at college for a bit, dude. Drink one for me!
i bet that room in the first picture smells like budussy at the end of the night lol
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up Chris. I'm downloading Carcassonne right now, and added Sonic All Star Racing to the library for download later.