For me it's gotta be Solid Snake. There's plenty more that jump out at me like Nathan Drake, Crash Bandicoot, Lara Croft, Cloud, even Squall, but Snake is just plain bad ass
I've been away from Persona 4 for a long while aswell. It's strange because I really like it but am finding it difficult to jump back in because it's such a time sink.
I don't think i'd wear the hat but it's a neat idea. I'm really excited for this game.
Your rant is harsh.................................. but fair. This desire by google to link everything to everything else is lame. Similar enough to yourself, I don't want people googling my name and finding a bunch of stuff I uploaded while drunk or whatnot. I don't use it that much any more but even my Facebook account doesn't have my full name. Is there nothing to be said for a bit of internet anonymity anymore??? Years from now, it will only take a google search for a potential employer to rule out a whole boat load of candidates. Google please THINK OF THE CHILDREN!
Yeah if I had a 3DS i'd get it. I'm annoyed its not coming to Vita
Good job with the clearance bins. I finished Yakuza 3 last year, it's enjoyable
True on the more money but dammit I have to give into temptation sometimes. I'm only human for crying out loud
I think they are doing a summer sale at the moment. With PS+ I haven't bothered looking into it cos I have a big enough backlog with that but it's worth a look I think