A new Star Fox game would be great, a Metroid game would be even more amazing (even if it is HD version of the Prime Trilogy).
A new Star Fox game would be great, a Metroid game would be even more amazing (even if it is HD version of the Prime Trilogy).
I bought Shadow Warrior, but ended up installing Metal Gear Rising on my computer instead. Those 20 GB plus games are frustrating to download.
Happy New Years to you too.
Yeah, I didn't do that last time. My mistake, however I copied this blog post in notepad before I posted it.
its on itunes and xbox live as well.
Yeah, construction/maintanence work. Its hard stuff but like I said, it pays well.
I actually like the counter system, it was very Metal Gear Rising lite; where you only had press forward on the thumb stick and the counter button. In MGR, you had push the thumb stick in the direction of the incoming attacks.
Steam sales is were its at, unless you spurged earlier this year and got the games you already wanted. That PSN flash sale was pretty weak.
The Legend of Korra was a fun game, I'm kind of hoping Nickelodeon lets Platinum make a game where it takes place during Books 3 and 4.
I wasn't feeling Limbo either, it has nice art style but I guess that I don't really have the patience for its puzzles.
Never had enough time to play this game and I still don't; looks fun though.