Yeah nothing has grabbed me for some time like Diablo. It's just relaxing to play so I'm not really put off by the massive time sink
Yeah nothing has grabbed me for some time like Diablo. It's just relaxing to play so I'm not really put off by the massive time sink
I completed KOTOR2 for the first time earlier this year and it's nothing less than a masterpiece. The storytelling and, as you mentioned, the atmosphere are so amazingly done that I almost approached it as a good novel rather than simply a video game. It really sinks its claws into you.
I really do hope they announce a KOTOR3 at some stage... (And hopefully Obsidian do it)
I'm in a similar page as you with it sinking its claws in deep. I'm still currently on Act II but my Monk is rocking at a cool lvl 40. I'm really not sure what it does to hook me but once I start the hours melt away. If only work/life didn't get in the way of advancement...
I can't believe this is real... Tekken is my favorite fighting franchise and this looks like it could be pretty cool. I'm not sure i'll grab a Wii U for it mind you
I replayed AA again earlier this year and I agree, it holds up great. The Scarecrow sections in particular are some of my fondest memories of the PS3/360/Wii generation (last gen?). Such of rollercoaster of emotions in that game.
Definitely a good time to be a gamer
Yeah I'm really excited for D3 too. I plan on pumping a whole bunch of hours into it before Destiny drops. I've never actually played a Diablo game before (shock horror!) so everything will be new to me jumping in. I've played quite a bit of Torchlight II these past few months so hopefully that'll prepare me somebit
I haven't really thought about it yet to be honest. I'm planning on getting most of my games on disc anyway (as I like the opportunity of trading it in if I want) so this should cut back on the size on the installs. But I do agree with you, it's not going to be possible to go this entire generation with only 500gb if you want to keep everything installed. It's like my Vita all over again...
I'm inclined to agree with you but got antsy in my pantsy....
I had a really great time with Catherine. It's probably in my top-10 on the generation to be honest. It really hooked me in for the duration.