I really could care less about graphics. I can appreciate them easily enough, but as long as I know what's going on, I'm good. I'd be fine playing Pong lol. Gameplay is what matters to me.
I really could care less about graphics. I can appreciate them easily enough, but as long as I know what's going on, I'm good. I'd be fine playing Pong lol. Gameplay is what matters to me.
Thanks for sharing this. It looks like fun, and I've always wanted to learn Spanish. The only educational game I ever played back in school was Number Munchers. Well, maybe Carmen San Diego if that counts.
This looks pretty cool. I never really got into Dynasty Warriors, but I liked what they did with Fist of the North Star. Maybe have pig Ganon as an unlockable characterr?
Happy Birthday Michael! I was thinking about buying Spelunky off Steam. I don't guess it takes much of a PC to run it lol. Sometimes you never know though....
I enjoyed this movie quite a bit. It certainly made me appreciate the crap that Indie developers go through. At one point it seemed like Phil Fish was gonna kill himself over that damn game. I'm looking forward to playing Fez. I bought it a while back, but still haven't played it for some reason.
I've been buying a lot of digital games off Steam and GOG lately. As much as I was against the original design of the XBone, I don't mind digital as long as it's optional. That DRM check looked incredibly annoying. I couldn't imagine having a whole system that revolved around crap like that.
Thanks for the heads up Larry. I was wondering why there wasn't any METAL MONDAYs!!! lately. I'll be looking forward to that Ouya video.
Hey Joe. I'm sorry you've been having trouble blogging. Hopefully Nick can help you out. I always save my blogs to Notepad before copying them over and adding pics and what not. Welcome back by the way.
Great review Jamie. I always thought it was hilarious how Link proudly holds up items. Especially in Zelda 2 when he holds up that kid lol. I don't think I ever beat this game as a kid because of a certain hidden dungeon. I finally did find that dungeon by accident many years later. I felt like such an idiot when that happened lol.
MM 9 was pretty dang good. MM 10 was rather generic though. Capcom needs to do something with the series instead of letting it die off. I wouldn't mind seeing a 16 bit or 32 bit MM game. As long as it's 2D, I'd be fine with whatever.