I am just going to put this here, and if anybody finds it, they can have it.
I am just going to put this here, and if anybody finds it, they can have it.
From what I understand, the demo is officially released next week. Nintendo is just letting specific club Nintendo members have early access.
I have 3 extra codes as well.
But that is just one of those Zelda tropes... 3 dungeons then something game-changing happens. At least you can get to the first dungeon fairly quickly.
I don't know what to tell you. If I had not already gotten a PS4 I would be in the same boat. What I can say is that I still want a Wii U, eventhough the name is stupid.
I picked up Metro Redux for the PS4 and have enjoyed going through the game again. It has been quite some time, so I don't remember everything, but it sure is pretty...
That slow-starting Zelda issue tends to be limited to the 3D Zeldas. A Link Between Worlds gets you a sword within 5 minutes of starting... same with A Link to the Past.
I had no desire to screw anybody over, but in the end that is exactly what happened. Oh, I forgot the other thing that I loved about the game. I dumped a bunch of points into speech, in fact I ended the game with 100. I didn't have to fight the final boss, I just talked him down and he walked away.
New Vegas was one of the roughest games that I have ever played, but it was also one of the most enjoyable. There are so many little moving parts to the story. The thing that made me fall in love with was actually how it ended... I beat the game twice and both times I felt terrible about the decisions that I made, eventhough I thought I was making the right decision. Obsidian did a good job of blurring the lines between what is right and what is wrong and shows you that there is no "best" choice. Each of them has their benefits, but they all have their detractors...
If that makes any sense whatsoever.
I had that article open in one of my tabs for the past couple of days, but cannot seem to will myself to actually read it. I know enough about the situation to know that I don't want to know anymore.
I used to be excited about Destiny, but I haven't followed it enough to know if I should still be interested. The bits of news that I have stumbled upon did not boost my enthusiasm. So, I will probably still get it day one after I read some reveiws, but for now I hate to say that I am not looking forward to it at the moment.
On a side note, I did pick up Metro Redux, and 2033 looks amazing. I quite enjoyed it the first time I played through it, but never got around to experiencing it for a second time. They original game was a little broken and that had probably scared me off. I am glad to see that 4A were given a chance to try and fix it by porting it to their newer engine... Also, the price point is right on. I know people have issues with all of these PS4/XBONE ports, but $25-30 seems exactly what I would pay for those games. I would have grabbed The Last of Us had it been $30.