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Captain N's Comments - Page 74

Fighting Fundamentals with JD - Character Selection

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 05:32 PM | Filed Under Feature

Smash Bros was one of the first fighting games I played as a kid too and it was awesome. I was pretty good with pretty much any character in the original, though I mostly used Mario, Link, Samus, and Captain Falcon. I got Melee and had a blast too, and ended up using the same characters with some new ones like Dr. Mario and Young Link. I eventually eneded up getting Soul Calibur 2 just because it had Link, but I liked it too, it was a game I never played. Link became my main, but later on in team battles, Mitsurugi, and Cassandra became my partners with Link. I was good with Leon too.

As for Marvel vs. Capcom 3, I always have Captain America with me, as for the rest, it's either Chun Li, Dante, or Zero. On Tatsunoko vs. Capcom, I always use Zero and Batsu, sometimes I switch one with Jun the Swan, but I try to use as many characters as I could to see how they play and find ones that I'm good with. But really, despite that, we usually just want to use our favorite characters.

On Injustice, Batman is my main and the character I use the most, plus I'm more familiar with him. I know all his special moves, and know how to pull off a few hits before using his super move, it gives a bit more damage but's satisfying to watch. I like how fighting games give you so many characters, they have different fighting styles, but they give you so many to find one you're familiar with. 

Community Poll #1

Posted on 05/02/2013 at 05:15 PM | Filed Under Blogs

This is a good idea, I'll be looking forward to them every time you post them. As for boss fights, tbh I'm not sure I ever gone against bosses that were brutal to beat. But the final boss fight in Windwaker has to be the most epic one ever, the fight was cool but the finishing blow is what makes it the best one ever to me. Really, any boss fight that has a huge towering monster and wondering how to beat it is always awesome. Also the Mister Freeze bossfight in Arkham City was so awesome.

A Little More Silliness ^_^

Posted on 05/01/2013 at 09:06 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Alot of these were hilarious while some were just pretty cool. And that Mario one isn't too hard, so challenge accepted lol And the Sonic one, lmao. Imagine if Peach was playing Sonic, what would Mario's reaction be?

Game Releases and Money

Posted on 05/01/2013 at 08:57 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I usually just play a game when I'm feeling down, but not something violent, I usually go for something colorful like a Mario game. No matter what my mood is, those games just put a smile on my face lol And yep, it's hard saving money when you are tempted at every turn when going to a store, which is a win if you resisted well and have a strong will. Heck, with that you'd be a Green Lantern in no time lol

As for Deadpool, I really want that game because I know it's going to be funny. I just don't know if I'm wiling to spend 50 bucks on it right away. The good news is that it may be a good quality title since High Moon Studios is behind it, they made the TransformersWar/Fall of Cybertron games. And while I haven't played FoC, WfC was really good imo, one of my favorite licensed games after the Batman ones.

Why I'm not bothered that Nintendo wont be at E3

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:36 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Exactly. The Nintendo Direct announcements could of clearly been E3 announcements, plus I don't think there would be anything left to announce on E3 anyway. They could announce a couple of new games, but that's pretty much it. Plus Nintendo never said they're bailing out of E3, they will be there, they just wont have a big presentation. I'll miss those Miyamoto skits though. 

Why I'm not bothered that Nintendo wont be at E3

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

E3 was awesome back then, but now you can pretty much get gaming news and reveals everyday. That and somehow unannounced games get leaked Surprised

Why I'm not bothered that Nintendo wont be at E3

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes, they know what they are doing. Besides Nintendo Direct serves the purpose of what E3 did anyway.

Why I'm not bothered that Nintendo wont be at E3

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:31 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yep, I wasn't a big fan of last years E3 either, but they atleast announced a couple of new games. Some say this because Sony and Microsoft are going to have their new systems and people think Ninty is calling it quits. That really isn't the case since they will still be there. But you're right, they need something to get the Wii U selling, and yes, those 3DS sales are crazy lol

Why I'm not bothered that Nintendo wont be at E3

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes, you got it right. Nintendo will be there, they just wont have a super fancy press conference. Plus Nintendo Directs does serve the purpose in the same way E3 did. Also, it will suck that you wont be able to go because I wont be able to read your E3 blogs anymore, for me, that is the worst part of E3.

The Wii U And The Power Argument

Posted on 04/27/2013 at 05:25 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I don't think Nintendo will ever have a console on par with the competition, I mean they could but history has proven this otherwise, twice. I mean the N64 was clearly more powerful than the Playstation but look how that turned out, and the fact that Ninty opted for cartridges instead of discs. And the Gamecube, it was on par with the competition, and some say even more powerful than the PS2, but that didn't save it either, infact it sold much worser than the N64.

But you don't buy a Nintendo console for specs and graphics, you buy it for those Nintendo exclusives and whatever new way to play games Nintendo has cooked up. I mean I have a Wii U and I really like it, and I know it will have some great games coming out for it. But Nintendo did promise us alot of third-party games and stuff for it, the problem is that isn't really going to happen because we'll be getting watered-down ports again like in the Wii.

I think this is the case because Sony and Microsoft make their system with third-parties in mind because sure, first-party games are awesome, but third-party games fill in the gaps and support those systems till the new first-party game arrives. Nintendo seems to make their hardware with themselves in mind, not what third-parties want. I could be wrong on this last part. And I just hope Nintendo can bring this around with the way the Wii U is selling.

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