Keep doing what your doing. Its nice to have a place to discover new music that is often under the radar. I may not like every band you have posted or commented every time, but I always check out your blog.
Keep doing what your doing. Its nice to have a place to discover new music that is often under the radar. I may not like every band you have posted or commented every time, but I always check out your blog.
They can both be on the same profile. The warning you get about saving stuff on the same profile with two characters only really effects the accomplishments that give badass tokens and as I explained putting gear in places other than your backpack. You will get the money, eridium, and the experience. For example I took my Lv 61 Mechromancer out of UVHM and back into TVHM then created a new Psyco on the same profile. He tagged along to the terramorph fight and I got him to lv 13 in less than 30 minutes. Hope that helps.
Thats the way we do things here in "Nawlins", any holiday is a good excuse to party and drink beer. Hell, we celebrate Cinco De Mayo here, even in Texas which has never made sense to me. Plus any place with a massive beer menu deserves your attention,lol.
I saw an old Popeye arcade cabinet at a pawn shop a few months back, wonder if its the same game. Koolaid man, OOH YEAAAH!
I know of this woman but have not not read any of her stuff, but she really put her foot in her mouth. It really does make it obvious that her heart is really not in it and she does not believe in much less understand what she was trying to accomplish in the first place. I wish more women would play video games and think the only reason many don't has more to do with stupid stereotypes than with a real lack of interest.
I rented the original version and thought is was cool but it was still like $50 so I held off. But a beefed version for 30 bucks is a buy I may have to consider in the near future.
Thats a tough one. The most obvious one I can think of would be Valkyria Chronicles redone in the style of FF Tactics or Tactics Ogre if you want to make it true 16 bit.
Thats pretty damn pathetic. I'm still on the fence when it comes to DLC, but there is the right way to do DLC and the wrong way to do DLC. The right way would be like Borderlands 2. Yo can enjoy this games and get a lot of replay without getting any of the DLC. Yet IF you do opt for the DLC you get a massive collection of areas to explore, missions to play, and new weapons and gear to find. Even the extra character classes are worth investing in. A game that I felt took the wrong way was Tekken X Street Fighter. The stat modifiers were and intregal part of the game play and they want to knickle and dime you for each and every one. I did the math and if you bought them all it would be another 30 bucks for something that should have been in the complete game. This crap of selling a gutted game for full price then trying to get you to buy all the stuff they stripped out is just shameless greedy bullshit.
The last human speed bump? lol. Thats one speed bump I actually wouldn't mind running over. As usual I will wait and see who does what, who gets what , and for the price to drop. I still got tons of games to keep me occupied for quite a while.
I know your pain man. But it always worth it when the deed is done.