I read that free to play & MMO games will not require PS+ for online multiplayer on PS4 and that publishers will determine whether their games require PS+ for online. I feel like this is all getting needlessly confusing
I read that free to play & MMO games will not require PS+ for online multiplayer on PS4 and that publishers will determine whether their games require PS+ for online. I feel like this is all getting needlessly confusing
My hope it that in a year or so uptake on the Vita will have grown with PS4 cross play features. I just want some games on it. JRPG's preferably but some options would be nice. This year looks pretty skimpy on new releases but i'll hold out hope for a better 2014. Kinda wish I chose the 3DS instead with the amount of releases that's seeing. The really annoying thing though is that the console itself is awesome
Very tempted to buy day 1 at this price. In all reality i'll prob stick with the ps3 for another year until the ps4 gains steam. Exciting times though
Yeah it's a great game. I really wish more people could play it but Sony needs to give people a reason to buy (i.e. more games!)
Thanks! It surprised me how much I liked it. It's rare I play a game start to finish
Enjoy! Everything I've seen and heard about Animal Crossing seems awesome.
Not much help but I played a decent amount of Killzone 3 MP last year and it was good. The community was pretty strong but somewhat dying I felt. Most games were basicly 3 on 3 and I worry how many still play today.
Great game. One of my favourite all time. Top 5 most likely