I like to think that I am not, but deep down I know that I am a pretty big Nintendo fanboy. Which is why I am also super excited about the next Zelda game.
I like to think that I am not, but deep down I know that I am a pretty big Nintendo fanboy. Which is why I am also super excited about the next Zelda game.
I do have to agree with your complaints. Initially I liked how it looked, but after about 10 hours I started to grow tired of the browns and greys. Zelda was an awesome character, but Midna is probably my favourite character from Twilight Princess. She really grew on me after she stopped bugging me about every little thing.
And I cannot wait until I get a Wii U. CANNOT!
You are correct, I had forgotten that I had been stuck on Death Mountain for a while when I first had played A Link to the Past.
Two things. Yes, MGS3 is amazing.
Apparently you should be able to transfer MGS to the Vita from a PS3.
Once I got past the motion controls, I really started to fall in love with the game. I hate motion controls in nearly all respects... Metroid Prime did work with them though.
It is the return of the 70s for Doctor Who, and I couldnt be more excited.
I was introduced to Marathon early on, but the game that really pulled me in was Descent.
I cannot tell you how many hours I played and replayed Descent. Unless I am mistaken, Descent had been one of those shareware games. This meant that they incorporated a nice stopping point to the game after level 7 with a boss. I never could figure out what I was supposed to do, so I replayed those first 7 levels over and over and over and over again. I had them memorized. Imagine my glee, and surprise when one day I finally defeated that boss and found out that there were another 24 levels to explore.
I put a I put a little bit of time into Shantae. It wasn't bad, but it felt a little dated and Shantae moves slower than I would have expected. I did not spend enough time with it though as I wanted to replay the LoZ GB games.
Just a quick look at Go! Go! Kokopolo makes me want to download it ASAP.
Riddick. I like Riddick