I read somewhere recently that Link's Awakening started out as Nintendo trying to put A Link to the Past on the GameBoy. What they ended up with is still pretty staggering in my opinion.
I read somewhere recently that Link's Awakening started out as Nintendo trying to put A Link to the Past on the GameBoy. What they ended up with is still pretty staggering in my opinion.
As you play through the more recent entries you can see that Nintendo tries to make them easily accessible to new players. There are countless tutorials and hints. That being said, I did enjoy Twilight Princess quite a bit and probably prefer it to Ocarina of Time. A Link to the Past will forever be my favourite, with Link's Awakening coming up second.
I thought that this would be an easy question to answer. Why am I having so much trouble thinking of one?
Whenever I have access to the iPad I typically try to play a round... Or two. I really suck at the moment, and should probably update my warlock deck. I don't remember what email I used for battlenet.
what the heck is this?
I am stealing the phrase, but Comfort Food Games.
I cannot say that I disagree. After seeing the cool stuff I ended up missing out on last year, I was a little disappointed to see that there was no awesome collectables this year.
I got the Master Sword recently and love how the game opens up considerably. I am quite enjoying myself now that the story has taken a little bit of a back seat to exploration. I cannot wait to jump back into it. It will never become my favourite Zelda game, but it is working its way into my heart.
Rorschach is one of my favourite comic book characters ever. Right up there with Spider Jerusalem and V.
I agree with these statements. I will add that I thought that the challenge in the levels was never unfair. If I died, it was usually because of my incompetence, not because it was poorly designed.