Looks pretty grand. It's got me interested in a recent FF game. Nice.
Looks pretty grand. It's got me interested in a recent FF game. Nice.
The old guy on the right....is he the new Doctor? I haven't watched the show since 2005. I'm need to catch up on Netflix.
How do you like gaming on the Windows 8 OS? I was too chicken and got Win 7 instead.
i7 Core? 27" screen?? You make me sick. Show off. LOL!
When you mentioned the Xbox 360 controller, you just reminded me that I should try using my PS3 controller for playing my emulators. I'm currently using the PS2 controller, but I just want to see if I can use the PS3 with just the mini USB cable.
Congrats on the new system!
Aw snap, Tour de 64 is back! Woo Hoo!!
I didn't get DK 64 until somewhere around 2004-ish. I had always wanted to play it, but didn't have an N64 until then. Like you said, it's a great game, but very collect-a-thon in its approach. I played it for about a week and then went on to other games. I intended to come back to it, but so much time passed, that I forgot where I left off.
Nice review though. Quite thourough-- just the way I like it.
Yeah, that sound chip in the Genesis was a beast. But only the truly masterful engineers could make it pump out some serious tunes and sound effects.
That's another good one Cary. I need to play it again. I never beat it.
Yeah, exactly. I wish that more SHMUPs did that back in the day.
Me too dude. Some folks always complain that the overhead levels are outdated and tarnish the game, but I disagree. This is definitely a Genesis classic.
Hey Jon, I really enjoyed the review. I lost interest on most FPS like the CoD series because these developers are just trying waaay too hard to be all "actiony" where everything has to 'splode every 5 seconds. No Thanks.