Well all the cast seems to have been forgotten anyway. Either that or I just don't pay attention.
Well all the cast seems to have been forgotten anyway. Either that or I just don't pay attention.
I reviewed Poker Night and its sequel. Sam & Max are my favorites.
Spirited Away did win an Oscar. Did you get to see The Wind Rises?
Oh I know what you're talking about. I've seen some pictures of her.
What happened to the Blue Power Ranger? If he only knew that he helped one of my little brothers go through potty training!
I reviewed the 3-D remake on PS3, but it didn't come with the original game.
I had a SNES as a kid, not a Genesis, so there were a lot of games I missed out on, but I did catch up on collections later on. Back as a kid, most households couldn't afford two consoles.
I never was a big fan of Sonic, but I do have to admit Sonic 3 certainly impressed me back then. Once I did play Ristar, I loved it and I think it's even better than Sonic.
I always wanted to play the Ecco the Dolphin games back in the day, but once I did play them, I was a bit disappointed.
Toe Jam & Earl's first game I didn't care much for, but I was pleasantly surprised by their second game, as it wasn't as bad as I thought.
The Streets of Rage games are really good, though. I like playing as Blaze. Golden Axe games aren't quite as good, but still fun. Tyris Flare and the dwarf were my favorites.
Thanks. Even members of my family who hadn't seen me in a while didn't recognize me after I gained my weight and muscle. I'm not super buff or anything, but I did go from 140 pounds to 200 pounds, so I did get a little bigger.
Yeah I'm not too big on werewolves and vampires. Ghosts are cool, though.
That's cool. You don't really hear much about the Power Rangers cast, do you?