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NSonic79's Comments - Page 79

A One-Night Stand with Destiny

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 03:03 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Actually they were not a whole lot of work. They came about quite easily, morso when I learned how to screen capture screen shots of the specific episodes. What really has me on the fense is the way in how I handle the RWBY Tuesday write ups. I don't think I'm a good reviewer really. it's why you don't see me do user reviews of games. I don't think I have what it takes to do the review write. Even now as I look at the last two RWBY Tuesday write ups I completely SAVAGED the RWBY series. I don't think I could post them like they are with some major re-writes. Though i have had some excellent commenters to the RWBY Tuesday blogs (on both here and IGN) I don't think i was doing commenters enough justice with this blog series.

I'm still on the fense so we'll see. Plus it doesn't help i'm behind on the write ups AND there's the RWBY sublimental series running right now. Glad you enjoyed the write ups even if I didn't think they met review standards.

Post-Birthday, Pre-Disney World Reviews!

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 02:56 PM | Filed Under Blogs

wow. I really don't know you very well do I? huhuuuuuuuuuuuuuhu.

Guess Who Just Finished Half-Life 2?

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 02:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yes it would have been. The DC needed more shooters and this was the one that heralded the fact that such games could be done and should be on the DC. And yet it wasn't. I'm sure the reviewers did put the PC version above the DC one. I even hear that the game had really long load times on the DC. But just teh same I'd rather play Half Life on my Dreamcast before I even begin trying to play the others. I still have my copy of half life 2 for the original Xbox I got for only 2.99. I haven't played it but instead use it as a cup coaster for my tea.

Guess Who Just Finished Half-Life 2?

Posted on 09/22/2014 at 02:51 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Drop it? Forget? Forgive? HA! All those are alien concepts to me as is the alien themes of the Half Life Series itself! Yes it has been 13 years but the betrayal is still as fresh as the day I read in my EGM magazine that the game was cancelled despite the fact that the game was already finished. I will never forgive or drop it until I get to play this game on my Dreamcast. I know it's petty and weird to hold a grudge against this issue but you weren't there during that dark day when I was utterly betrayed and discarded. It was even worse when the game went to the PS2, a system I decided against when I bought the DC.

I won't go pirate but I'd rather buy one of those bootleg mock ups of the game for my Dreamcast. but I have yet to find one of those so my hatred of Half Life still rages on...

PSN Flash Sale - RACERS -

Posted on 09/20/2014 at 11:26 AM | Filed Under Blogs


Most of the racers I like are disc based. I'll pass this time on this flash sale. Kinda disappointing this go around.

Business as... unusual

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 02:00 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I didn't bother with Smash Bros either. mostly because I'm not that big of a fan. I tried it but it never clicked with me. not sure if this new version will fix that.

I need to try that Zelda title but I'm still trying to get ahold of Windwaker. I wonder which version of Metro is better. Been wondering.

I wasn't sure what to do with Destiny either. Both my bro out east and a coworker wanted me to join in. But after careful thought (and a system dying on me) I had to pass. Perhaps in the future but...

Got me. I'm coming up blank on the Wasteland 2 issue.

Humble Valiant Comics Bundle

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 01:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I need to see if these will work on my Acer A500 tab. I could go for this.

My Top Picks on Android & ios Games

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 01:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I'll give these some thought. I haevn't tried gaming on my tablet yet so this might be a nice destraction....BEFORE OCTOBERWEEN! BWAHAHAHAhahahahah!

Post-Birthday, Pre-Disney World Reviews!

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 01:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

more ipad reviews?!?! We need to get you a Vita, STAT!

Also no quiz answers yet? I want to know why your favoriate color isn't rainbow.

Is that the one in Florida? Love me some Epcot.

#gamergate Ben's story

Posted on 09/19/2014 at 01:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I agree with you wholeheartedly when it comes to those core issues about the situation. It is indeed something we shouldn't just accept as the new normal despite the points to the contrary. But at the same time there had to have been a better way to address it than what came about. that's what also put me in a laughing fit. This was the best responce as gamers could come up with?

It was either laughing like a madman or shaking my head in disgust. So I chose my default reaction, you cant' spell "manslaughter" without "laughter".

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