Awesome. Just what the site needed. Btw, my list of favorite games in my bio page doesn't show up even though it's still saved there. Do I have too many listed maybe?
Awesome. Just what the site needed. Btw, my list of favorite games in my bio page doesn't show up even though it's still saved there. Do I have too many listed maybe?
Good points, and all of those elements were present in their earlier games. Their failing with this series is that they kept drifting further and further away from the core mechanics that made the series work. For instance, FF XIII battles made me dizzy after awhile, and I wasn't watching battles unfold on screen, just looking at text. I did not have fun with that. They didn't put in fresh ideas that charted "good" new territory. They do too much rehashing instead of evolving. Also, sci fi elements are alright, but I want a fantasy game, not a sci fi game with fantasy elements. The SNES era was the best for me.
Yeah, laptops have definitely come down in price in recent years. I got a decent Sony Vaio last year for $500. I used to have to pay $1,000 +. The mini ones without a disc drive go for a few hundred now.
That was a great series when I was a teenager. He really died too young. My fav science fiction property is Star Trek TNG. Another great IP growing up. The only bad thing about the medium for me is the stranglehold that Star Wars has on it.
The only trouble I had with it on my recent playthrough was trying to remember Meryl's codec #. Argh.
I hate the day 1 dlc model. It's so shady. Oh, and Gamestop won't automatically transfer your preorder money to a game of your choosing. You have to ask them too. These kinds of practices are just designed to scam us for profit.
It's too bad I never had time for this series. It looked like a pretty decent Resident Evil clone. You know there's no shame involved when a company rips off its own IP!
(naruto hater +1:P)
Sorry, it's been a long time since I played the game. I think it might be just a game over screen, but I'm not sure.
I thought that Order of Ecclesia was a solid game, but definitely flawed. There were too many side quests in my opinion, and I did not like having to take care of the villagers. The end boss was a disappointment, and you got the bad ending if you didn't rescue them all. The ending also made me groan.
I loved this game when it first came out and played it a lot. The only bad thing was that it was very difficult, and I didn't complete it. The sequel was pretty good, too!