I feel like if I don't finish a game, I didn't get my money's worth out of it. Plus, I like the feeling of satisfaction when i finish a game.
I feel like if I don't finish a game, I didn't get my money's worth out of it. Plus, I like the feeling of satisfaction when i finish a game.
I loved The Force Awakens and I agree with you about Rey.
What system is that Mad Max game for?
I'm curious about the lumpia. What are they filled with?
I failed my Goodreads challenge last year by 13 books. Going to do better this year.
There was one that drove me nuts, I knew it had to be right there, but I spent the whole game looking for it. It was one of the first ones I came across, but it was the absolute last one I found. I was taking it personally at that point.
I know how that feels. Been doing that with the first Assassin's Creed game for the last year.
I'm good at ferreting out clues, and crawling around in hidden areas rewarded me with maps that helped show where the challenges could be found.
The first AC has one of my favorite gaming moments. When you crest the rise just before you get to Damascus and the whole city is spread out before you. It's just so pretty!
If you like that time period and setting, I recommend Judith Tarr's fantasy novels Alamut and The Dagger and the Cross. They are follow ups to her medieval trilogy The Hound and the Falcon, but they can stand on their own, too.
I liked what little I played of Arkham City before I got distracted by the 3DS that arrived in the mail.
I'm not watching Making a Murderer. And I don't have any Jeff Buckley or Elvis in my music collection because I don't really like either of them (other than Buckley's Hallelujah).
Nice pic of the clouds. And yes, you should go check out the snow, make a mini snowman, throw a snow ball. Maybe even get crazy and make a snow angel :D
Your review of Happy Home Designer does have me intrigued. And like I said, AC is kind of a love/hate thing. More love than hate, though.
Sixteen is a very good number.
No, didn't get stuck, real life just got in the way.