Posted on 03/25/2014 at 07:28 PM
| Filed Under Blogs
I love BurgerTime! As a kid, I would make my own chef hat and pepper shaker out of paper cutouts and play prettend BurgerTime. Yeah this was back when kids used their imagination sometimes. :)
Did you know that in Japan, this game was originally called just "Hamburger?" That's why the chef in the game has an H on his hat.
In Japan there's also a game called Super BurgerTime. Look it up, it's really weird.
Yeah, Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Parlor isn't very good. They also planned to make a third game called Peter Pepper's PizzaTime, but that never came out.
I reviewed BurgerTime World Tour. It's OK, but really the best update is BurgerTime Deluxe on the Game Boy. Just stay away from The Flinstones: BurgerTime in Bedrock. It's a Game Boy Color reworked version of Deluxe, except it sucks.
If I wasn't so lazy, I'd put a YouTube link up to one of the old BurgerTime commercials. The hot dog peeks through the drive thru window and says, WE'RE CLOSED NOW!
Man I could talk about BurgerTime all day. It was one of the few arcade games to pull me away from Pac-Man as a kid in the 80's. But I'll stop rambling now! --Cary