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asrealasitgets's Comments - Page 9

I'm back from the dark mirror universe like Link in Lorule!

Posted on 01/29/2019 at 08:28 PM | Filed Under Blogs

You know, with Lost Odyssey I had jumped off the turn-based rpgs thinking they were too slow, but with nostalgia glasses on I can appreciate a slow moving turn-based game and look for a good story and combat mechanics. I think I was originally turned of by long load times. We'll see how my patience is tested this time around.

Community Question!

Posted on 08/13/2018 at 12:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Single Player shooter. I really liked the story from last Black Ops game and zombie modes as well as Titanfall single player. There were some F.E.A.R.-like action shooter parts of Resident Evil 7 and DLC with Chris Redfield that I really enjoyed. Some elements of Monster Hunter World with the Bow feel like a shooter. 

Also, horror fan, so more Evil Within 2, Resident Evil 2. Hopefully if RE2 is a smash, then we will see more RE remasters or similar types of clone games in the future. Would love a sequel to Left4Dead.

No Mans Sky, Monster Hunter and Yokus Island Express

Posted on 08/06/2018 at 02:20 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Sort of off topic but I'm not sure I asked you before what your thoughts were on Resident Evil 7? I really dug the whole thing. I kept going back and forth about things I loved and hated. Maybe with repeat play throughs it will clear things up, but after playing the free DLC section with Chris, it really is a remake of the original game, much in the spirit of Shattered Memories to Silent Hill. I liked the family stuff in the beginning, but then it turned into Resident Evil and it felt too familiar. The end was more Silent Hill and F.E.A.R, plus they threw in part of Revelations 1 with the tanker ship. 

One thing I really did like was the reinvention or retelling of Lisa Trevor from RE1. She was abducted and experimented on and lived in a shack in the back of the RE1 mansion and was a boss fight. RE7 had Eveline, with a similar back story to Lisa but more connected to the whole story RE7 and her presense is there thoughout the game. 

No Mans Sky, Monster Hunter and Yokus Island Express

Posted on 08/03/2018 at 09:46 PM | Filed Under Blogs

After playing ESO Morrowind and Zelda botw back-to-back, I'm more open to playing open world games now. I think that the world matters and in the past, giant map games haven't been interesting enough for me to hang around for a long time. No Man's Sky looks interesting with all the planets and aliens and stuff. I really want to try it.

I just started playing MHW recently (35 hrs) and the combat loop is very good. I just got to the point where the monsters are getting a bit harder and I have to upgrade my equipment and think about elemental weapons and armor perks before moving forward. I steamrolled through 30+ hours with ease, but now I'm hitting a steep grind wall. 30 hrs have been really fun though. I'm maining a Switch Axe and alt weapon is Bow. I'm just doing daily grinds for armor sets and weapon upgrades now. Haven't played online yet. Kind of disappointed that there's only a few maps though, but they are fun to run around like a playground.

God of War is on my backlog. Maybe by xmas I'll get to play it when the price drops.

Purging Social Media

Posted on 08/03/2018 at 09:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I've never really used facebook. I created an account years ago and never used it. 

The only social media I use is twitter, but thats mostly to follow news sites.

I always thought you were really good at podcasting along with whatsacow. I'd be happy to listen to either one of you about gaming when you're on NWP pod. 

I got a switch!

Posted on 07/11/2018 at 02:45 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I just like playing with all the characters in smash. Not so much into competative play. If online is better this time on switch, I might get into online matches more. I still play smash on wiiU from time to time just for fun.

I got a switch!

Posted on 07/11/2018 at 01:05 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I got a zelda themed case kit with my switch. It included plastic grips for the joycons and some round plastic covers for the joystick nubs which makes it a bit easier to hold and play, but only slightly.

When I played the WiiU, I used to rest my hands on a cushion which I found more comfortable to play so I do the same with switch. My wrists start to hurt after a while, like you said, but this works for me.

So far I only have Zelda and a bunch of demos. There are a lot of good demos in the eshop. Just type in 'Games with Demos' in eshop search and you'll get a bunch of good stuff. Puyo Pop is very good demo to replay. 

I'm still waiting on Dark Souls for switch. The original dark souls of dark souls. I need to get on Hollow Knight, but I already beat it on PC. 

Hopefully we can play smash bros around holiday if you like that game at all?

Cary's Best Games of 2018 SO FAR Awards Show!

Posted on 07/11/2018 at 12:54 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Dissidia on PSP was so good! I hated NT! The interface is too much and the screen is over crowded with so many characters and graphics. OMG. It gave me a headache. I'll stick to Dissidia PSP on emulator for PC.

Have a blog

Posted on 06/29/2018 at 04:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

When you say give up does that mean you didn't finish the game or just stopped caring about it? In the demo it felt like there were a lot of trash enemies between bosses that I couldnt avoid unlike in souls where I can just marathon to boss and do boss rush. 

Also, what was your final verdict on Dark Souls 3 in comparison to all the previous games story wise and mechanically? Did you play Monster Hunter World by the way?

Nice hearing from you again by the way!

Have a blog

Posted on 06/28/2018 at 07:39 PM | Filed Under Blogs

So is Nioh skill based or gear based? I didn't like the demo and haven't played it for the reasons you gave about the full game. I've heard those exact complaints before and it doesn't seem like I'd enjoy playing it. When it comes to 'souls' games, I like the atmosphere and exploration along with combat but I don't necessarily like cheap difficulty like padding enemy health. 

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