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VisuaLIES's Comments - Page 9

My E3 2015 Reaction:

Posted on 06/17/2015 at 11:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I miss the old days when Capcom and Konami had a presence at E3.  The year I went, we couldn't stop staring at the Sons of Liberty trailer.

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/17/2015 at 04:53 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, it wasn't perfect, but nothing is.  But I have a fondness for it because when I first played it, it seemed so epic and new.  The great music and prerendered graphics didn't hurt either.  They will definitely be making some changes to the game.  Hopefully they'll be positive and maybe it'll be even better than the original.

E3 Thoughts- HOLY CRAP!

Posted on 06/17/2015 at 12:15 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I can't remember an E3 that was this exciting.  SquareEnix brought it this year, though their megaton, FFVII, is probably quite a few years away.  Sony did well with Last Guardian's return and Uncharted 4, plus a bunch of new first party IPs, and Microsoft had a nice show as well.  Hopefully Hololens will be what Kinect wasn't (namely useful for gaming).  They have a nice lineup of exclusives which will actually be out this year.  Also, backwards compatibility is welcome, but I think it's more of a PR move than an actual benefit.  Only 100 games will work right away (sounds like a lot, but how many do you actually own?), and MS did the same thing on 360 and didn't really keep up the momentum.  Also, most people say they want BC, but nobody ends up really using it, especially once more current gen games become available.  But it is a nice option for those who will use it.  I haven't seen Nintendo's lineup yet, but there are quite a few Wii U games that I plan on buying (Xenoblade, Fatal Frame, and SMTXFE), which is more than I can say for previous years.

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 11:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I guess it would be a nice way to go out.  I will probably buy consoles as long as they keep making them, if not for me, then for my son who will probably be into games when he gets older.

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 11:49 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Hey, I resemble that remark!  Yeah, it has flaws, but like I said, the feelings of nostalgia are stronger than rational thought lol.  I'm just gonna embrace it.  I'd like to see 2 battle systems in the remake.  Keep the original for purists, update it for a modern audience, and let the player pick one.  Otherwise people on both sides will cry.  Actually I don't know if that can be avoided anyway.

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 09:46 AM | Filed Under Blogs

No!  It has to be the best looking thing on PS4, not a ho-hum looking game on PS5!  Incidentally, I think XV looks incredible considering it began development as a PS3 game.  I realize now that it kind of spoiled me.  I watched The Last Guardian trailer (which I am also highly anticipating) and kept thinking that it looked very dated.  All those years in development and a shift to more powerful hardware, and they didn't bother to improve the graphics.  I'll still get it of course, but it pales (graphically) to the other PS4 games they showed.

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 09:40 AM | Filed Under Blogs

I think they should remake VI as well.  I played that one when it was released as part of Final Fantasy Anthology, and it showed me that many of the things that I thought were groundbreaking in VII were already in VI.  However, VII was my introduction to the series, and I still love its characters, story, and world design, so I am excited to see it remade with current technology.

Culdcept Saga, E3 and Minecraft

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 02:03 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Microsoft had a good press conference from what I've heard.  Backwards compatibility is always welcome, but I'm kind of surprised they're doing it, since the 360/original Xbox compatibility wasn't all that successful (I did enjoy playing Panzer Dragoon Orta years after getting rid of my OG Xbox though).  The controller is also neat, but I heard the price is $150.  That's a lot unless you're getting paid to play games.  I'm more of a Sony guy and I am always working during MS E3 press conferences, so I always have to read about their announcements later, so they don't have the same impact.  Can't wait to play Tomb Raider.  Eventually. 

FFVII Remake: Anybody else get chills...

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 01:52 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Seems kind of soon... but I'd take it!

My 10 Years Anniversary!

Posted on 06/16/2015 at 01:50 AM | Filed Under Blogs

It's amazing how quickly time flies.  Congrats on the 10 years.  Don't worry, it's difficult to be passionate about most hobbies for that amount of time.

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