I don't think I can give up reviewing games. i've done it for so long it's like an involuntary muscle movement, like breathing.
I don't think I can give up reviewing games. i've done it for so long it's like an involuntary muscle movement, like breathing.
Did you get the song stuck in your head? :)
Splatterhouse was a bit juvenile but I did like the fact that Jim Cummings was the voice of the Terror Mask. The main character's girlfriend should've put on the Terror Mask and kicked butt instead of him.
Now go read my new blog or else I'll come to your house, roll you up like a basketball, and dribble you around the place. You know I can do that. :) Sorry that you have to put up with my silliness every now and then.
Hooray for Palom and Porom! I also like Kain and Cid from FF4. Other favorites include Terra and Kefka from FF6, Frog and Ayla from Chrono Trigger, Tifa, Cait Sith, and the red doggy from FF7, Vivi and Steiner from FF9, and Grune from Tales of Legendia.
I don't know what video game character I'd be most like, but a lot of days I feel like Toad.
I'm hoping to see The Wind Rises this weekend.
I didn't like the first Prof. Layton game I played (too much math) but I'm looking forward to Prof. Layton vs. Phoenix Wright. Have you ever seen the Prof. Layton cartoon movie? It's actually reallly good and almost Miyazaki-like.
You know, when you said you were going to write about a ninja game every day of BaD, I thought to myself, "I wonder if he's going to write about stuff like I-Ninja or Izuna or Ninja Taro or Mini-NInjas." Well you've covered all of those so I'm impressed.
i reviewed Mini Ninjas when it first came out. It wasn't AMAZING or anything, but it was a fun little silly 3-D romp. Plus it was nice to be able to play a regular ol' kid-friendly 3-D platformer. You really don't see as many of those nowadays.
There is also a MIni Ninjas iOS game that I reviewed more recently. it's a continuous runner like so many others, but it does have a higher level of quality about it.
Random fact: Taki from Soul Calibur is a cool ninja. I think she's neat.
I will usually get a collector's edition if it is a game I want, has goodies I want, and isn't too expensive.
LocoCycle is good. Make sure to see the LEGO movie as well.
Yeah I don't get it either, it's happened twice now.