I just got a review copy of the Tales of Symphonia collection. Who is your favorite Tales character? Mine is Grune from Legendia.
I just got a review copy of the Tales of Symphonia collection. Who is your favorite Tales character? Mine is Grune from Legendia.
The Portal games are brilliant. Clever gameplay, writing and humor. GlaDOS is one of the best video game villans ever and Wheatley is awesome.
Digimon is still around. It's an online PC game. I get press releases about it all the time.
Yay! I'm glad you beat it! I love the ending.
Have you tried any of the Phoenix Wright games?
Once I had a free one month trial to PS Plus, and it when ran out, they used the rest of my money in my account to renew it for another three months without asking for my permission. I didn't complain since it was just three more months, but I certainly don't keep too much money in my PS account anymore!
I hope I don't sound arrogant, but I hope folks would consider me as being an authority on games. At least a tiny bit. I mean, I've been playing games since I was 5 and reviewing them for nearly 20 years. I know things.
I was wondering if you were going to talk about this game, too. I hear it's like a Mystery Dungeon title. It stars a female ninja with pink hair, so that's cool.
LEGO Ghostbusters would be cool. You can play the Ghostbusters song on LEGO Rock Band.
I've read that a lot of people want a LEGO Zelda. 3-D Dot Game Heroes is probably the closest thing we'll get to that.
Yeah that's sad and now I feel old. And I agree, the new Ghostbusters game is the closest thing we'll get to a movie sequel.
Hi. Your blogs are cool and so are you.
I don't know any game I'd want to master. I'm just happy being able to play them.