Mmmmm that just doesnt sound right lol!!!
Mmmmm that just doesnt sound right lol!!!
Your definitely an Ausie lol I liked it it was actually interesting to hear the real Blake talk about gaming etc.
I swear it seems like everyone has a 3ds or vita but me the book on death is interesting I was told by a hospice nurse that just about every patient she's had that passed had a look of being confused and very scared and thats distubing to think about on a lighter note nice picks on the treo of 3s lol.
Lol cool and duuhhh I didnt think to download it lol but im listening now lol!!
Personally I like it LOS1 and Mirror of Fate and mirror of fate plays more like the old ones then the new one and I played the LOS2 demo and thats going to be epic :)
Well im not sure about love but im fond of you blake lol!! I cant see or hear it but I did try :D
Welcome to pixlbit as a former 1upper were always glad to have x 1 uppers enjoy your stay :)
I love Castlevania always have any of them Simons Quest being my fav and as far as black flag the next gen is just a port over so dont expect much more then a graphics update.
Yea I played a little co op its cool but only with freinds.
Lol!!! The games huge and freaking tough as nails but very very good.