Well I'm glad you beat Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Despite what you may think about the game, don't you think the ending was just ADORABLE!?!
I've got Bravely Default on preorder, too.
Well I'm glad you beat Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon. Despite what you may think about the game, don't you think the ending was just ADORABLE!?!
I've got Bravely Default on preorder, too.
Well you know what my favorite ads were.
I wonder if this was a last ditch effort from Radio Shack to encourage us to visit their stores?
My dad built our first TV and he installed a home Pong ripoff in the back. I was so young, though, that I didn't realize it was a video game at the time.
Aw you had to miss the Puppy Bowl? Sad day!
Wow you're really good at remembering names! I didn't mention that commercial because when he said to hug everyone in the room watching the Super Bowl with you, well I was watching it alone so no hugs for me. But I didn't want to write that in my blog because I didn't want anyone feeling sorry for me or anything.
Did I ever tell you about the time I went to E3 and stayed at a touristy Hollywood hotel in LA? I must've gotten the Marilyn Monroe room because there was pictures of her EVERYWHERE in the hotel room. I bet you would've liked staying in that room!
I'm looking forward to the LEGO movie and the new Muppet movie.
I suppose I should try that online dating stuff sometmie. I'm not too good at that kind of stuff.
The reason why I don't have an Xbox One is because there isn't anything right now I'd want to play on it. Maybe in a year or two there might be.