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BaD Ep 11: Wii U games I want to try

On 02/11/2014 at 12:53 AM by Captain N

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Linked to Article Series: Blog a Day (BaD) 2014

These games I will play next...

Well we made it to the double digits now. Hope you all had a good weekend. Now I know what you're thinking, "The Wii U is still pretty much new, how are there games you haven't tried?" I have 6 retail titles on the Wii U, but have more eShop titles surprisingly. I have missed some games because I had to save up for the games I surely wanted and other things. Some of these might be a bit old, while some are actually good games I skipped. But before that, here are blogs you might of missed:

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Travis Hawk's Kong a Day 10

NSonic79 took a break

playdos is competitive

Dandichu's Saga Frontier

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daftman plays Lub vs. Dub

transmet2033 picked up some games

NintendoFanJon Plays shovelware games

Vice's Assistants fighting games he's looking forward to



And with that out of the way, here are some Wii U titles I want to try:

ZombiU: Originally a Wii U launch title and a spiritual successor to a Ubisoft game called Zombi or something. It's a game that places you in the middle of the ever popular zombie apocalypse and you are a survivor trying to survive. If you die, you play as a different survivor. Sounds neat but sadly the game didn't sell enough to produce a sequel. I'll try it once it's relatively cheap.

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate: I remember trying a demo disc of this game on the Wii and thought it was pretty good. I was going to get it but heard there was going to be one for the Wii U, that and the servers for the Wii version were going to be taken down. The new one has online in it and allows you to transfer your progress on the 3DS version for on the go. That is neat.

Lego City Undercover: A Lego game exclusive to the Wii U and 3DS. It looks like a GTA game for kids but it looks really fun. Plus Lego games are pretty fun. Going to get this when it's cheap.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2: I never played any of the Tekken games but I do have that freemium version on the PS3 that I haven't tried. I think the game is cheap now but I'll most likely get it on the Wii U, because of the Nintendo costumes.

Resident Evil Revelations: I got this game on launch for the 3DS with a Circle Pad Pro but never opened the game. Why? I have a copy of the game with the printing error on it. I really haven't opened it because it could become rare as the time goes by. If it doesn't, I'll open it and play that instead of buying it twice.

Transformers Prime: As you know, I'm a big fan of the Transformers, I tried the Cybertron games on the PS3 and loved them. The Nintendo consoles always get the short end of the stick with these games. However Activision decided to release a good TF game on Nintendo consoles. My little brother has the game on the 3DS and liked what I played so far. I want it on the Wii U because it's obviously going to play and look better. I just wish it had online play since I'm pretty good at the TF games online.

Game and Wario: I love games that have Wario in it, be it spin-offs or platformers. I love the platforming games he has but I think Wario's bread and butter is the Warioware games. I've only played the free Ambassador game on the 3DS and it just might be the most fun of the bunch. It's neat but I want to try the new one, it looks really fun and seems to make good use of the gamepad.

Mario & Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games: I like this series, I've tried it since the start but skipped the 2011 one on the Wii. I have it, but haven't opened it yet. I'll be honest, the games aren't perfect but they are fun with more people. Me and my brothers have alot of fun with these games which is the only reason I put it here. Plus it comes with a free Wiimote Plus, you can never have too many Wii remotes.

Scribblenauts Unmasked: I never played any of the Scribblenauts games before, I was always interested in them but likeI said previously on my last lists, I always got something else. I like how you have to use words to solve puzzles. I also like it that it has DC Heroes like Batman and it allows you to create your own super hero. That is awesome.

Need For Speed Most Wanted U: You already know about this game from a previous blog but I heard that this is the best version of the game. I do hear that it looks better. I'll get this when it's cheap so I can get the PS3 version and this one.

Wonderful 101: You notice that Platinum Games have gotten alot of love in my blog lists and the internet seems to love them. Anyway The Wonderful 101 is a game about super heroes and alot of people call it Pikmin with super heroes. Not sure if the game did well but it looks really fun. Also, it was originally a Wii game but instead of the game you know now, it was going to feature Nintendo characters in it. It was scrapped because it would be similar to Smash Bros. I'd love to see that to see how it would of been.

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze: Alot of people were excited to see what was Retro Studios new game back at E3 2013. Everyone thought it was Star Fox or Metroid but it turned out to be another DK game. I'll admit I was a tad bit dissapointed but the more I saw, the more I got excited. I mean Retro themselves said they wanted to work on another DK game, I have no problem with that as long as it's fun. The game looks nice from the graphics and the levels look fun. I haven't tried it because my little brother was going to buy it, so I'll have to wait till then.

Are there any Wii U games you haven't tried? Thanks for reading and latter.




02/11/2014 at 02:30 AM

I share several of yours that I havent yet played. I however have played ZombiU, Tekken Tag Tournament 2, Resident Evil Revelations, and Monster Hunter. There all good games in their  own rights. The ones I love though is Resident Evil and Monster Hunter. Im excited to play DKC:TF, I plan to go an preorder it in a few days.

Super Step Contributing Writer

02/11/2014 at 02:39 AM

Well, I haven't tried any WiiU games, but these look great. 

I'm also a bit disappointed Retro wasn't working on something else, but DK does look fun.

The Wonderful 101 looks great on an HDTV, or at least the one I saw it playing on in BEST Buy a year or so ago.

You seen the Need for Speed movie trailer? I love those games and the guy from Breaking Bad doesn't look as whiney as he was in the TV show. I hope it's good at least in a goofy Fast/Furious kinda way.

Creating your own superhero is a cool thing.

I need to figure out where to get Sochi games on my TV, as I don't have the regular NBC channel, but it's cool and a bit bittersweet to see Mario and Sonic crossing over so much now.

That Optimus Prime shot is cool.

I still need to play Resident Evil 4. Never played an RE in my life.

That screenshot of Shiek and Falcon make me want a more traditional Super Smash Bros. fighting game.

GTA LEGO sounds fun; I used to play LEGO Island on PC a lot as a kid. 

Funny about Zombi having sequels gamewise, I think there's a series of low-budget movies called Zombi that reviews. 

Cary Woodham

02/11/2014 at 07:55 AM

I have Game & Wario, Wonderful 101, and both Scribblenauts titles on Wii U and they're all good.  I haven't tried LEGO City Undercover or Tekken Tag Tournament 2, but would like to.  The new DK game isn't out yet, but I will get it when it is released.


02/11/2014 at 10:25 AM

ZombiU looks really interesting. There are some mechanics that really peak my interest. One is like if you die, instead of just respawning, you come back as a brand new character or something. Game looks fun though. 


02/11/2014 at 11:11 AM

Ugh, I want a Wii U so much.

Anyway, once I get the console, the game i'll most likely get for it first will be Super Mario 3D World, Rayman Legends, Wind Waker HD and Sonic Lost World.

For games that haven't been released, I hope to get the Wii U version of Watch Dogs.


02/11/2014 at 12:05 PM

Some good choices there. I can tell you that Scribblenauts and Zombi U are pretty good. The Wonderful 101 is also great. I'm excited for Donkey Kong too. Can't wait to get it.


02/11/2014 at 12:49 PM

I want a Wii U something fierce. I need to resist the temptation of buying new 3DS games if I ever want to stand a chance of picking one up.


02/12/2014 at 03:48 AM

Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze for sure. When I get a Wii-U sometime this year, DKTF will be high on the list of must-have games.

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