Hope your weekend's going alright too!
Hope your weekend's going alright too!
Personally, I got a laugh out of the Hawkeye Initiative but that's probaby more due to the positions Hawkeye was put into than any greater point the creators were trying to make.
I get that suspicious look from more than a few people whenever I decide to go out, which has more than once given me pause and wonder just what is it about the way I look/dress/act that elicits that kind of visual response.
I like Hell's Kitchen a lot, but sometimes I wonder what their decision process is for picking contestants since some of them don't have a hint of the ability to cook that they claim to have.
Wish I could help you out as far as your 360 goes, but I'm way out of the loop as far as that stuff goes.
I want to get that new Yoshi game as soon as I can.
I've been guilty of this on occasion. Slowly trying to change that about myself too.
So that's the sound I keep hearing, here I was thinking someone left their TV on a channel that plays nothing but bad sitcoms with overly distracting laugh tracks...
I couldn't hazard a guess, especially since I'm not familiar with the comics the character is supposed to come from.
I love Viewtiful Joe, such a shame the series might never get the ending it deserves.
I had a lot of fun with Punch-Out as a kid, even though I could barely make it past Glass Joe. Made up for that much later on when I got the Virtual Console release.