Ultima 7, System Shock 2 remakes, reboot Legend of Zelda that is more in line with the first two games.
Ultima 7, System Shock 2 remakes, reboot Legend of Zelda that is more in line with the first two games.
Is that online verification still a go? If so, Xbox ONe games will not be a retro gaming option in 10-20 years. But you can still go out and get a NES and some NES games and they'll work like a charm.
A console is supposed to be a box you buy to play games. That's the job most people want it to do. All these 'features' are going to confuse the average consumer, thus alienating them and limiting sales potential. It's too complicated to set up. The multiple SKUs we had this generation were confusing enough for many people.
Online distribution, cloud gaming - It's not ready yet. We're not ready yet. Not until the terrible online infrastructure in America is improved. Most people have a crap connection compared to users in Europe and Japan, the other two major markets.
It's like an open world DMC. Not as over the top or Stylish, but more so than anything else out there. I'd also describe it as a Level 5 action-rpg done right, but with less narrative drive. Wouldn't compare it to KoA, which was like a watered down Divinity 2 crossed with Fable. DD has a very Japanese feel to it, despite the stock DnD visuals and bestiary. Personally I think it's the third or fourth best ARPG that has come out in a while, sharing company with Dark Souls,Fallout New Vegas, and Divinity 2.
Game of this generation...yeah right. Form your own opinion instead of parroting that review blurb you read over on Metacritic. Provide some critical analysis to back it up, or stop talking shit to someone who has.
Sick of this shit. The media is just trying to prop up story driven games because they think it will validate their hobby via association with cinema and literature. They begrudgingly give high scores to mechanics driven games, while nitpickng superficial flaws that they ignore in their precious movie games. Get bent, IGN.
Witcher 1 ran out of Steam. Got tired of running back and forth over my tracks for quests. Kind of poorly designed in that way, if you ask me. Wasn't intrigued by the over-arching story either, and part of that has do with the errand running breaking the flow. I assume whatever faction I was sympathetic with will prevail over the other. Still have the saves, so maybe in the future when I have plenty of free time. Do want to check out 2 though.
My comment, btw.
Anyone who thinks Aya wasn't fan service doesn't remember her in her little miniskirt number iduring the desert chapter in PE2.
Fallout 2, Ultima 7, Final Fantasy 12, Morrowind, Chrono Cross, Vagrant Story, Baldur's Gate 2, Demons Souls, Final Fantasy 6.