Unfortunately, the DS version isn't that good. I don't like the rules they added, plus there is a game breaking bug that you can't avoid and I'm not 100 percent sure SNK fixed that.
Unfortunately, the DS version isn't that good. I don't like the rules they added, plus there is a game breaking bug that you can't avoid and I'm not 100 percent sure SNK fixed that.
Hey I reviewed Barbie Dreamhouse Party!
Sorry things aren't going so well for you. Just know that I think and pray for my online friends, including you, every single day.
I've never heard of that movie.
Your pretend present is A Muppet Christmas Carol on Blu-Ray. That's one of MY favorites.
I think it's worth $20. It's that good.
Card Fighters Clash was my favorite game on the NGPC. I liked it even more than Pokemon.
Yay! If the Vita weren't still expensive, I might've asked for a real one for Christmas.
Your pretend present is the Neo Geo Pocket Color. That was the first non-Nintendo handheld I had, and I loved it.
Yes, at my age, I welcome short games.
Glad to hear you are better.
I'm impressed you know what the Blue Badger is.
Your pretend present is a $10 gift certificate for the Franziska Von Karma law offices.
Have you played it?
Well I'll give you a pretend present anyway. A pen that makes everything you draw come to life. Now there's some things I want you to draw for me...