Thanks for the video! I used to watch Jordan Underneath but kind of forgot he existed for whatever, but now I have to go back and watch all his stuff. So thanks for taking away all my free time :p
Bloodborne wasn't that different from Dark Souls imo, but I can see how a Souls player might dislike it.
Thats nothing. Sony cap their download speed, and australia has slow internet anyway. Its taken 48 hours to download a game before.
Oh yeah. Uncharted 1 sucks ass. 2 is quite good.
Second one was a bit shit yeah.
That's a really good Birthday present. Also, Bloodborne DLC is some of the best DLC I've played. First bit is a bit meh but it gets really cool after you get through the "reused" stuff.
The story was depressing. The fact that the the world was inevitably going to end and all you could do was delay it for a few years, the fact that all the NPCs you meet eventually go hollow and die, Sif's story, Ceaseless Discharge's backstory, Quelaag's sisters backstory, New Londo, Gwyndolin, etc. The world is pretty dark and tragic. It just also has some weird silly moments too, because the Japanese seem to eat that up.
My brain works weirdly I think. I've been having very little trouble with The Witness thus far, but have struggled with some other puzzle games. I don't know what it is, maybe I'm jkust not far enough in or something.
It does look like they've taken fat rolling out, which is troubling. What's the point of wearing light armour at all if it doesn't give you more maneuverability? Mayvbe ut;s a stamina thing now?
It does look like this is more along the lines of Bloodborne, although the trailers I've watched definitely have a souls vibe to them. It looks like they're taking the best of both worlds, but we'll see.