Yup, if I had to name a favorite, Ni no Kuni would be it, too!
Yup, if I had to name a favorite, Ni no Kuni would be it, too!
You should play it, it's really great, especially if you like NES Zelda.
I doubt we'll see the DS version of Ni no Kuni since it came out in Japan over two years ago. I don't see how they can put the PS3 version on a handheld either.
Aw I hope not. I like consoles.
Did you think the main character in Journey looked like a walking ketchup bottle? I did. Does that make me weird?
I have a very simple and stupid answer.
I play games because they are fun.
Well you'd have to do a bit of convincing to get me to play it. Any characters i'd like?
Bleh that doesn't sound good at all. Lara is too pretty and nice to die like that!
I have this, but haven't played it yet. Looking forward to seeing the Winnie the Pooh world in HD! And next year we get an HD remix of the sequel!