Happy early birthday! Have a power pellet!
The Dissidia games are great. One of my favorites on the PSP.
You'll have to do some convincing to get me to play the new Tomb Raider game, though.
Happy early birthday! Have a power pellet!
The Dissidia games are great. One of my favorites on the PSP.
You'll have to do some convincing to get me to play the new Tomb Raider game, though.
I won't get a Xbox One or PS4 until there are enough games on them to interest me. So it may not be for a while. But that doesn't mean I have anything against the consoles or anything. I love my 360 and PS3, but I didn't get them until a year or two after they were released.
It would be funny if the Pokemon cartoon ended up being around longer than The Simpsons!
Nope again! PROTIP: You got the publisher right.
Nope, but it's not really much of a surprise either.
Near the end of the year, after Christmas, I'll post my Game of the Year Awards blog. Then you can see my picks!
Yeah the 60's and 70's were interesting times. But ONE cool thing happened in 1976 on Sept. 15. Can you guess what that was? :)
Well you COULD'VE written about A Link to the Past. :)
Even though I review games and have been doing so for 15 years, and playing games for twice that much, it's hard for me to fit in with a lot of gamer crowds because we don't share the same tastes. While it's hard sometimes, I don't worry about it too much and just have fun playing the games I like. Life's too short to worry about the other stuff.
I just reviewed the Wii version of Angry Birds Star Wars.
The giant battles in Dream Team originated in Bowser's Inside Story. They were a lot of fun.
Right now I'm distracted by the new 3DS Zelda game. It's really great so far.