I'm glad your still alive Ben! I'm looking forward to that demo. What exactly is this Hawkeye initiative? Most people forget that before Psylocke became an assassin she was a prudish britsh woman. I can't say I'm against the change lol.
I'm glad your still alive Ben! I'm looking forward to that demo. What exactly is this Hawkeye initiative? Most people forget that before Psylocke became an assassin she was a prudish britsh woman. I can't say I'm against the change lol.
Awesome review! I'm still uncertain though. Should I buy it or what?
The first Resistance is one of my favorite PS3 games. I didn't care for the second one that much, but the third seems pretty cool from what I've played of it. Good luck with your review of Dark Souls II. If anybody deserves to review that game, you do lol.
The only auto-runner I ever played was called I Must Run! Awesome name right? You played as a convict that just escaped prison lol. I think I bought it simply because of that premise.
I don't know any of these characters. All I know is that a horse piloting a mech sounds like an incredible idea! There should be a game like that. Remember Mister Ed? He could talk! So why not?
Was it silent or of the explosive variety?
Killer Instinct. One of these days I will own one.
I hope they do a good job on that remake of DuckTales. That game is beloved by a great many people. I can easily envision angry mobs with pitchforks and torches raised smashing down the gates if Capcom screws it up.
My brother and me played the crap out of some Clayfighter on SNES back in the day. It may not be the best fighter on SNES, but I sure do have some fond memories of beating the stuffing out of each other. I have 63 + 1/3 too. I just haven't played it that much. It's not the same fighting against the computer. Especially since there's no endings.
I can't imagine playing Contra without buttons. I simply can't imagine it, and I've been playing that game for over 20 years lol. I'd give it a shot if I had an iPad. I certainly paid way more than $1 for my NES cart.... but those screenshots look a little too busy for me.