I've left BD running a few times while doing other stuff, I should've left it in sleep mode to collect SP but there were times I just couldn't be bothered to do it. Which is my excuse as to why I have such a high play time.
I've left BD running a few times while doing other stuff, I should've left it in sleep mode to collect SP but there were times I just couldn't be bothered to do it. Which is my excuse as to why I have such a high play time.
Well, that's another game I didn't think existed. Wonder why dogs were chosen as the de facto health pickup.
Sorry, I don't recall what he said. Definitely a problem.
The only PlayStation games I remember playing were Rival Schools and Simpsons Wrestling. Had a lot of fun with Rival Schools, Simpsons Wrestling not so much.
These are all pretty cool designs.
I have the GBA Pac-Man Collection, really liked playing that Arrangement version. Had some pretty interesting twists on the normal gameplay.
I've got it on my 3DS, and haven't beaten it yet. Need to set aside some time eventually to rectify that.
I hate drama, it's just so meaningless.
Haven't played that many PC games other than Plants Vs. Zombies, Cave Story or Duke Nukem 3D.