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Julian Titus's Comments - Page 93

Xbox One is the Future

Posted on 06/13/2013 at 01:24 PM | Filed Under Feature

That's very curious to me. How about your friends your age that game? Do they also love hitting up game stores and buying the actual discs? I could be overestimating the generation coming up, although I was more talking about kids that were born around 2000-2003.

Xbox One is the Future

Posted on 06/13/2013 at 09:47 AM | Filed Under Feature

To be honest, I buy 99% of my games new these days, and I don't have any friends that would be borrowing my games. So really, the approach MS is using on the XBO doesn't affect me personally all that much. As a collector, I could still buy a bunch of XBO games and keep them. Of course, once MS shuts those servers off the system would brick in 24 hours...

Xbox One is the Future

Posted on 06/13/2013 at 09:46 AM | Filed Under Feature

You should still write it. I bet you have some great points to add. There were some things I wanted to include that I didn't have room for, such as MS doing a poor job of telling people the advantages of digital purchases.

Gamers are Sexist, Arrogant Pigs.

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 10:45 AM | Filed Under Blogs

The sad fact is that games starring female protagonists don't sell as well. I wish they did- I love strong female characters and have no problem playing them. Sure, they tend to be sexed up super women, but most male protagonists are sexed up super guys.

The vitriol that "gamers" (and I use that term loosley--I think these are young teens) spew towards women that play games is amazing to me. What could be better than having some cool ladies to play games with? That's the dream of nerds like me who grew up in a time where female geeks were some sort of mythical creature.

By the by, anyone notice how much ass Ellen Page is kicking in the new footage for Beyond: Two Souls? Excited!

Special: NWP XIII vs Nomura

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 09:48 AM | Filed Under Feature

I'm right there with you. Feeling really good about this, and super excited, as well.

As far as launch titles, I know I'm getting 2 games for sure, which will most likely be Watch_Dogs and Knack. If I get a third game, it may be Killzone, or possibly a third party game that I haven't looked at yet. Still quite some time before we get the official launch lineup.

Nintendo Stays the Course at E3

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 09:00 AM | Filed Under News

My favorite thing about Nintendo lately is they've been showing new games that are right around the corner. Most of the big games they showed are out before the end of the year.

Special: PS4>Xbox One

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 12:22 AM | Filed Under Feature

I wanted to love KH 2, but the first hours of the game have such a massive sense of deja vu that I couldn't stick with it. And like I said, I'm more interested in exploring the Disney worlds with a dash of Final Fantasy characters instead of all the original characters made for the game. Sora and Rikku are fine, but all those spikey haired bad guys get on my nerves.

Sony Drops Some Bombs at E3 2013

Posted on 06/12/2013 at 12:01 AM | Filed Under News

I can almost guarantee that the price and the used games stance was probably finalized after the MS conference. I'm sure they had all sorts of plans in place that would be executed upon based on what was done at the Xbox One conference.

Nintendo Stays the Course at E3

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 11:55 PM | Filed Under News

I really loved most of the stuff they showed. I just think they should have gone for a longer presentation and showed off some of the amazing 3DS titles they have coming.

EA Earns a Gold Star From Gamers

Posted on 06/11/2013 at 10:54 AM | Filed Under News

Me too! Day one, just like the first game.

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