It's funny. In our prediction show going up on Friday I mentioned that very E3. Glad one of my prediction/hopes turned out!
It's funny. In our prediction show going up on Friday I mentioned that very E3. Glad one of my prediction/hopes turned out!
MGS is multiplatform, and I expect Sunset Overload to be on the PS4 within a year after it launches on the XBO.
I liked what MS showed. A lot. But it wasn't enough. Not by a long shot. PS4 already preordered.
I'll admit, "gamers" are becoming something of an issue for me lately. The ones that can never be pleased, and complain about everything all the time. It becomes very tiring, especially for me as a person that simply loves video games and tends to avoid being overly snarky or negative. But Sterling and Mackey come at it from an angle as if they themselves aren't gamers and don't get excited for video games.
And if that's the case, maybe you need a different line of work, eh?
I have problems with Mackey too. I had to unfollow him because he gets annoying. It's funny you mention him being a gaming Rush, because I really feel that's the way Jim Sterling sees himself, and that's a man that I simply can't tolerate in any way, shape, or form.
There's no way that the XBO won't have a way for people to play their games without a Gold account. It'll be like the 360, with "added" features for Gold members. If you just want to play games on it you'll be able to just play games on it.
I look forward to your exceedingly negative PB & Jason, now with 37% more snark and doom and gloom scenarios.
Jason, are you saying that a video game console is going to cost you more than the price tag in the long run? OH MY GOD! WE NEED TO EXPOSE THIS SHOCKING REVELATION TO THE WORLD!
Game journalism doesn't exist. It's never existed. This is a hobby, and people that write about games are in the enthusiast and entertainment industry. Oh sure, there are people that write some interesting pieces about games, like Leigh Alexander, but the nature of the games industry (where PR is necessary to cover games in any meaningful way) is such that true journalism is nigh impossible.
They can ask the hard-hitting questions, sure. But all that will do is get them on a publisher blacklist, effectively killing a big portion of their potential content in the months ahead.
FF XI remains fantastic. The game is easier than ever to start, and people are always very helpful. The Abyssea expansions have kind of ruined party mechanics post level 30, but it's still worth getting into. I'll probably dive in again soon, but I'll be buying FF XIV for PS3 on day one, as I do with all FF games.
As much as I love living in "the future", what with all of our nifty tech and advancements, I'd be lying if I said I didn't dream about being born 60 years earlier. Everybody's rushing to share everything about themselves and to be connected to each other all of the time, and I think there's going to be a whole generation that doesn't see the potential problems with people being able to watch you all of the time.
Is this going into conspiracy theory territory? Possibly. But the fact is, the ability for this stuff to happen is here, and as a private person, this stuff really bothers me. It's not a matter of "I have nothing to hide", it's a matter of "I want my privacy to be private".
My stance on this is that the fabled "zero explosions" trailer Kojima is talking about will end with Hayter's voice. If Sutherland is actually in this game he's either playing a different version of Snake or someone totally different. But that announcement video has too many little oddities that make me cry "hoax".