Never heard of this game, though it's not a surprise since I didn't really follow XBox games. Looks interesting enough, though.
Never heard of this game, though it's not a surprise since I didn't really follow XBox games. Looks interesting enough, though.
Another game I need to try out.
February was pretty uneventful for me, which is a good thing in my book. Made it through BaD for the first time, all the while playing through Bravely Default. I thought it would impede my progress but I'm glad it didn't.
Don't know much about MGSV, so no worries of spoilers coming from me.
Looks like the game's coming along nicely, good work!
Had a very good first BaD, was also a lot of fun trying to keep up with the pile of messages. Can hardly wait 'til next year, though by the same token, I'm okay with it too.
Nice art!
I hope your relatives are doing okay and get well soon.
Love Hellboy, also hoping the 3rd one gets made eventually.
Either the Tales games that came out for DS and didn't make it over here, or DQX.
Wanted to play Brutal Legend but never got around to actually getting it. Didn't help that I didn't and still don't own a PS3 or 360. Maybe I'll try getting the PC version.