And PixlBit! I have yet to bust out the dreaded half star score, but I have reviewed quite a few 1.5 star games. I've also awarded one 5 star score in the 2 years I've been with PB.
And PixlBit! I have yet to bust out the dreaded half star score, but I have reviewed quite a few 1.5 star games. I've also awarded one 5 star score in the 2 years I've been with PB.
Yes, buy this game. Then play it and listen to Backloggers Anonymous: Too Human. /shameless plug
I think reviews are important, and they've always been my favorite part of games writing. Back in the day I'd flip straight to the reviews section of EGM before reading the rest of the magazine cover to cover. With that said, I think the IGN reviewer is safe since Polygon gave it a 7.5. It was a well-written, well-argued review, and I could totally understand how the score that was given was arrived at.
With that said, most of the problems the reviewer had with the game are things that wouldn't bother me as much. Since I know what I like, I have a good idea of what to expect from this game, but the Polygon review allowed me to brace for some possible annoying elements.
Reading reviews takes some effort from the reader. Read the text, understand what's being said, and then check that against your own tastes and expectations. And also read reviewers that you know, and finding websites that use their whole scale helps a lot. It's sad that people think of a 7 as "terrible" when it really means "pretty darn good".
I bought it on Black Friday the year it came out, but it sat on my shelf sealed for years. I knew I wanted to play it (the demo was really good), but I just needed to be in the mood for it. It was just the game I needed after the depressing mindfrak that is Spec Ops: The Line.
I bet it was cheap, too. It's a short game, but well worth experiencing.
Thanks! I'm not big into dance music myself, but I have a long love for Bust a Groove that goes back to the import version. I'm really trying to work on sequencing to make sure the show flows well, so I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed the way things were laid out. JD and Angelo are bringing the next couple of episodes, so stay tuned!
I definitely go in spurts. The excitement I had over the New 52 has almost been completely exhausted by all of the DC shake ups. The only constant for me is Powers and Invincible, which I read exclusively in trade format.
The PSP translation is SO much better. It's like playing a different game. And they should make a new Tactics game with the art style of the new cutscenes they added.
I definitely want to highlight some remixes in a couple of episodes, so I'll be sure to check out your blogs for inspiration. Thanks!
No, I haven't. I just got a 3DS so I might seek it out. Looking forward to Dragon's Crown also.