I've enjoyed what I've played of it a lot but like you I'm not very far. I hope to play more this week but life is getting in the way. :)
I've enjoyed what I've played of it a lot but like you I'm not very far. I hope to play more this week but life is getting in the way. :)
Hey depression is a nasty thing. Luckily I can now deal with it without medication but I've been where you are before. I'm still not a big fan of people unless I have something in common with them like games or music.
You might want to look into whether this is something medical. Like I said depression is a nasty thing unless it's situational and in that case it may sort itself out in time.
I loved the first Fable game but while the other two are in my library I haven't played them.
Still sad to hear but not surprised.
Oh and once you have it set up you can autostart from your last save. Tried that yesterday.
This link details what all the compatible amiibos will do. http://ca.ign.com/articles/2016/01/21/nintendo-confirms-the-legend-of-zelda-twilight-princess-hd-amiibo-functionality
If I could have connected mine from inside the box I would have but then put a disk underneath to prevent you from doing that. I managed to get it out of the box causing as little damage as possible but I did open it.
5 stars
Sounds like it doesn't it.