I saw this on another website and somehow knew you would write a blog about it lol. They really don't have a decent excuse now that there's an 18+ rating. WTF even have an 18+ rating if your still gonna censor shit?
I saw this on another website and somehow knew you would write a blog about it lol. They really don't have a decent excuse now that there's an 18+ rating. WTF even have an 18+ rating if your still gonna censor shit?
I've never read his stuff either. If he inspired Stephen King than I will definitely have to check him out. I Am Legend sounds like an interesting book. My backlog of books is pretty bad too. We need a backloggery site for that lol.
One button and 50 hours are gone? Simply gone?!?!? That's horrible.
I used to have a lot of issues with memory cards in the PS1 days. They would constantly get corrupted. WTF knows why that would happen? I hope you can find your SD card.
Ghost Town was great and I would say that metal won.
I tried playing the original Rayman on ps1 recently. I like it, but it's a lot different than Origins which is the only one I'm really familar with. I want to try the others someday. I'm excited about Rayman Legends.
I was wondering what was going on. I hope it works out man. I usually play Double Dragon when I'm feeling down. For the longest time I struggled with my depression and played a TON of Diablo. Which helped a lot. That's funny though because Diablo is such a depressing game lol.
There was a frog in my shoe once. I didn't know and stuck my foot in there. The end result wasn't pleasent or anything I'm proud of lol. Frogs are cool but they kind of freak me out.
I've had trouble with my N64 too. Sometimes I have to reinsert the cartridge a couple of times before they want to work. Those cartridges are a lot more resilient than most people would think though.
The first Zelda is a bit rough around the edges nowadays, but it's still a classic. It took me forever to finish that game because I didn't know you could burn bushes lol. I always prefered the second one despite how blasphemous that may sound.
That's great you got to meet James and Mike and Brentalfloss. I don't really know the others. I always wondered why Mike Matei was in so many AVGN episodes and now they do let's plays together. I guess they must be good friends. You really do look like the Joker in that first pic lol.