I’d like to post a full blog about the awesome Nintendo Direct, but I’m still sick. Worse than yesterday even. Thanks for all the well wishes, hopefully tomorrow I’ve rebounded a bit. Good night.
I definitely forgot to do this today, but I’m blaming that on being sick. I just tried Ashen for a few minutes and I can’t say it’s really grabbing my attention. I think that generally speaking, games that try to emulate other games rarely match the quality of the source material.
I played the biplane missions in Battlefield 1 and a handful of missions in Red Dead Redemption 1 on Xbox One, but I spent more time replaying The Order 1886 on PS4.
They didn’t have a quest for me, so I just took off to the islands to explore. I found a soldier’s campsite and the Lush Grasslands. By the time I got back, I was given a new quest.
Finally finished a rough draft of my video review of GRIS, which has been posted to YouTube, but I'll share a link once the final draft is done and on this website. Then I'll review Iris.Fall and then it'll be on to Life is Strange 2 Seasons 2-5, which I still need to buy (still pissed you can't buy episodes individually).