I'm pretty excited about X, even though I didn't love Xenoblade (didn't get into the combat). And Mario Kart is going to be awesome, despite it's flaws, I think.
Thanks for the summary on the blogs. I missed a couple.
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![]() On 02/02/2014 at 03:01 AM by Captain N ![]() See More From This User » |
Insert witty remark here
I think alot of people posted a list like this in the begining of the year or the last days of 2013. I really didn't pay attemtion to that, but here we are and here's this blog. I am looking forward to some games but note that I don't have a next-gen system just yet, maybe this year or next year. A game that will convince me to upgrade will be the next Batman game or whatever Rocksteady is working on. My list will be biased (read the no next gen part) and will be a bit short but that's good. I have alot of games on my backlog, some are still in it's plastic and there's alot of games I want to try but have for the PS3/360. That and I have a Wii U, whether you like it or not, it's a next gen system folks and that will hold my attention for a while.
But before I begin my list, here are some blogs you can check out or might of missed as of this blog:
Sent GrayHaired some good vibes along his way
V4Viewtiful's PSA about Mega Man X comics
Jaime Alston's Going to attempt BaD once more
C.S.3590Squadleader's BaD Intro (saw what I did)
Philly Kut's Mass Effect Watch Unboxing
TheMart22 wishing everyone luck
mothman getting down with his BaD self
The Last Ninja's Killer Tomato Attack
gigantor21's BaDland exploration
transmet2033's most wanted 3DS VC games
NintendoFanJon's Wii U estimate
Homelessrook rants about PS3 updates
State_Alchamist plans for the month
Matt Snee reminices about the past
And with that out of the way, let the list begin:
Project Cars: I love racing games, I like driving as fast as I can and racing games give me freedom to since I can't do that in real life. I'm more of a kart racer/arcade racer fan of these types of games. However sometimes I go for a more realistic approach like Need For Speed. Project Cars caught my eyes when I first saw it a long time ago, the visuals look amazing. Watch a video of it. Sure the PS4 and X1 version will look better but I'll be happy with the Wii U version.
Bayonetta 2: I haven't played the first one but will try it before this one is released. I was one of the people who was surprised to see the sequel as a Wii U exclusive, and the internet exploded that day. People are still bitching about that that's it's pretty funny. It looks fast-paced and fun, excited for this as well.
"X": Made by the folks who brought us Xenoblade Chronicles comes X, no not Mega Man X, just X. This game looks really stunning when they first revealed it. Mechs that transform into vehicles and vice-versa. My inner Transformers fan is excited for that. Not sure if this game will release this year but can't wait to see more on it.
Hyrule Warriors (Tentative Title): After Other M I'm surprised Nintendo is partnering up again with someone else to make a collaborative effort. Good news for people is that this is a spin-off title but it looks pretty damn good for a spin-off title. We rarely get Zelda spin-off titles, last one we got was Link's Crossbow Training. I hope we see more of this game, I want to see more stages, bosses, playable characters, and hopefully online play.
Mario Kart 8: Mario Kart is my favorite racing series next to F-Zero. I enjoyed Mario Kart 7 alot and I know I'm crazy but it looks better than Mario Kart Wii, well in my opinion. But here's the thing, Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed set the bar high for these kind of games, I mean that game is really good. I wondered what Nintendo could do to top it down. Anwser? Nothing. I saw Mario Kart 8 at E3 and it looks good, but the visuals look amazing for an early Wii U title. Sure the Gravity gimmick wont be enough to steal Sonic ASRT's thunder, but we'll see. I can't wait to kart up when the game hit's on May.
Kirby Triple Deluxe: Rule number 1 about Kirby, you can't mess him up no matter what game or playstyle he has. Like his powers, he adapts perfectly into the gameplay. Kirby games are always fun and whimsical, this one looks like it will be just that. I am excited to see what new adventures and trouble will the pink puff get in next. My brother is getting it but I'll most likely play it when he's done.
Super Smash Bros Wii U/3DS: Everyone is looking forward to this game, both Nintendo fans and pretty much every gamer in general. It's my favorite fighting game ever and it's always exciting when a new game is announce. When it is, speculation begins on who will be in, who wont, what stages we'll see and more. I was surprised Mega Man is in the game, and even more surprised Sonic is back. Now if they add Pac-man then everything will be perfect. I grouped both versions of the game because it is the same game. I will be getting both versions at launch when it releases,b y the end of the year according to Shiggy. Either way, I don't mind since the game needs more development time and hopedfully we see more new faces in the game.
Well that's all for now, these are just the games that have been confirmed for this year, who knows what else is coming? I didn't list Bravely Default because that game is coming soon and I'll be getting it anyway. What are you looking forward to this year? Thanks for reading and later.
I don't have any plans whatsoever to buy a PS4 or Xbone. My brother got a PS4 at launch and still doesn't have a game for it. I'm so happy with my new PC though. Steam is an absolute goldmine when it comes to indie games and dirt cheap sales. Double Dragon Neon is coming out in a few days, and I'll be buying it yet again lol.