On 02/03/2016 at 12:05 PM,
I love the Lego games. They're silly, fun, and reward you for breaking things and poking around in each and every possible nook and cranny. They're also full of bugs, the controls for driving and flying suck majorly (at least on the 360 and PS3), and sometimes what you're supposed to do next to advance in the level isn't very obvious. But I still love them. I bought Lego Batman 3 last year sometime (or was it the year before? I forget), and it sat languishing on Mt Backlog for a long time. Around Christmas, when my back went out on me and I had read seven books and overdosed on Netflix, I needed something that wasn't overly complicated to keep me occupied and that could be played in small chunks. Lego games are good for that sort of thing, so I dusted off Lego Batman 3 and started playing again from the beginning. It kept me amused for quite awhile, and now I'm done with it. I liked it, but not as much as the previous two Lego Batman titles.