On 12/14/2013 at 05:01 PM,
Sorry for not posting on this site anymore, I found a new job, bought a whole bunch of games, picked up a PS4 at launch and got seriously distracted by Battlefield 4 on the PS4(those 64 player matches are crazy awesome when the game works). So lately I've been playing a lot on my PS4, it would have been amazing cool if Watchdogs didn't get delayed. PS4 games that I own at the moment are Need for Speed: Rivals, Call of Duty: Ghosts, Lego Marvel Superheroes; then there is Contrast and Warframe which are downloadable titles. No real problems to report other than my PS4 tends to have a hard time connecting to the PSN. My friends list shows up but connecting to game servers tends to be inconsistent, the "What's New" list doesn't load at times. Other than that, I'm satisfied with my purchase.