On 03/15/2013 at 07:47 AM,

People have been doing blogs about games that were milestones for them lately. Thought I would add one of my own. This was the very first game I picked up for my brand new Playstation the day I got it. That may well be the reason it's so special to me,but let's give the game it's due. It follows the exploits of a young rookie cop named Aya Brea in New York. The story has very supernatural elements to it. It is often referred to as the first "Horror RPG" which I think is fairly accurate. The comparison I have is FFVII,which was the second game I got[a couple of weeks later]. Made by the same company,but vastly different in tone and gameplay. While Parasite Eve is never really scary,there are some pretty freaky things going on in it. Combat is innovative and really fun. Mitochondria are at the core of the story. People,including Aya,are transformed by them at the cellular level. The powers which she develops are due to it. I won't put any spoilers in here for those who may not have played this,so perhaps I'll just put up the trailer here to give you an idea. Just wanted to say a few words about a game that shaped my taste in games to this day. It's remarkable if you enjoy cinematic type RPG's with deep stories.