On 01/08/2019 at 09:07 AM,
Cary Woodham
Normally I do my Game of the Year blog first, and then my blog on what games in 2019 I’m looking forward to. But I’m going to switch it around this year like I did last time. Mainly because there are a couple of releases that are coming up quick, and also I want to try and squeeze a couple more 2018 games in to see if they’ll make my GOTY list. But don’t worry, my Game of the Year blog will go up soon after this one, like in another week or so. In the meantime, here are some games I’m looking forward to playing and reviewing in 2019. Granted there may be more as we get into the year and have Nintendo Directs and E3 announcements and such, but here’s some that I know right now.