I agree with daftman, I want Canvas Curse 2.
I agree with daftman, I want Canvas Curse 2.
As long as it has a meaty enough campaign that's good enough so I want to play to the end, then it's worth the money.
Talking about video games instead of the corporations who make what you play them on sounds good to me.
The "constant need for upgrades" actually happens around the same degree as you would buy a new console. The difference? You're choosing both how much you upgrade and therefore how much it costs you.
Mugen Souls. For all the wrong reasons.
Glad I held off on Zone of Enders. Everything else I either own or could take or leave.
I recommend Phoenix Wright
I beat 2048 a while ago and am now workin on getting 4096
I felt the same way. It was fun, but didn't have the magic of the Galaxy games.