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GeminiMan78's Comments - Page 103

Armadillo Sighting & Gaming Favorites

Posted on 04/08/2013 at 08:20 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I used to live in San Marcos about 30 ml south of Austin, used to see a lot of armadillos, sadly on the side of the road. One got in our yard once when I was a kid and had dug a hole to escape our dogs. The digging is hard in the hill country even for an dillo, so his butt was sticking out of the hole. Even though my dad warned me not to touch him cause I could get lepresy(think its and old wives tale), I did anyway. We brought the dogs in and he got away safely. Sometimes I miss living there.

Anyway on to the question of games. The SNES to me is kind of the golden age of video games. It had a long run and a really impressive liabrary of games. But I had a choice droped on me, N64 or PS1? I was going to go with the 64 then Final Fantasy VII came out. Dropped my entire first paycheck from my first real full time job after highschool on a PS1 and a copy of FFVII. Didn't have a memory card for two weeks so I would play through as far as I could over an over again.

As an RPG afficiando the PS1 is the go to console for classic rpgs. But it also got the Tekkens, Metal gear Solid, Castlevania SOTN, Wipout, Gran Tourismo, ect. So yeah the PS1 is pretty special to me for a lot of reasons.

 But I do have love for the Cube. Bought it for the soul purpose of playing Metroid Prime, but was blessed with two of my favorite Zelda games, Star Fox Assault, and Mario Kart. The GBA player rules. Wish they would have made a DS player for the Wii.

 I realy don't have a favorite character, there are just too damn many to choose from.

Binary Domain, sexual misconduct, & undeath

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 03:43 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, the few I like add some humor to take the edge off like Evil Dead and Critters. Thats why I'm a little weary of the Evil Dead reboot, just going from the ads it looks too much like most of the other modern horror flicks.

I have known people my age who have an ignorant bias toward video games. I don't get it. If you were born in the late 70's early 80's and don't play video games, now that to me seems weird. It would be like being born in the 1920's, and only liking movies when you were a kid, but then when you grow up you say " Movies? Thats for kids, no respectable adult would waste their time watching movies." I guesse they rather watch American Idol. Now there is a culture destroying waste of time. And it propably kills more brain cells than chugging everclear through a beer bong. If you like American Idol, please forget what I just said, lol.

My Videogame Soundtracks: Xtra

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 03:24 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have to track down the Last Story sound track. Found a copy of the arranged Chronotrigger, set me back $40 but totally worth it. The 25th anniversary collection that came with Skyward Sword was a nice bonus.

Binary Domain, sexual misconduct, & undeath

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 03:01 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Gonna have to check out Binary Domain, you got me with the mention of Ghost in the Shell. I'm a big fan of GITS and its a shame we have only gotten two games and only one of which is any good. That being the PS1 entry. Deus Ex Human Revolution is the closest thing to a GITS game I have played in years.

Not a big fan of horror flicks, but shameless shock gimmicks just show the lack of talent and imagination of the so called artist. Whether it be movies, music, or video games its just lame and only the most depraved teenage moron or some one with the same mentality would find it entertaining.

 I think why they attack video games is because much like animation it has been pigeon holed by american culture as something for "kids". So they think all these dark violent games are being made for kids. If you made an R rated animated film and tried to release it like a normal film here in the states it would likely get attacked the same way. Yet in Europe and Japan its just another movie.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/07/2013 at 02:32 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Well for some reason I liked the Garbage Pale Kids movie when I was a kid. I found it years later at Blockbuster, and man it is REALLY bad. I must have been very ealisy amused or something back then.

I Normally Wouldn't Ask But...

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 09:58 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Great article and so true. My expirience with video games has spured my interest in mythology, other cultures (Japanese in particular), and even the technology that makes video games possible.


A Lil' Update

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 02:36 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Valkyria rules. Got Metroid M not long ago also, haven't tried it yet but word is its realy not that bad. Hope so anyway.

Dialing Back the Negativity: Roger Ebert vs.TMNT NES

Posted on 04/06/2013 at 02:28 AM | Filed Under Blogs

That was hilarious, especially the first round. Maybe watching The Wizard is what ruined his attitude toward games. I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid, thought is alright back then, probably would hate it now.


Posted on 04/02/2013 at 11:02 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have gotten into the habit of highlighting and copying anything I type cause that has happend to me on 1up and here. Bad enough on a comment, but when a whole freakin blog gets blitzed, that gets me ten kinds of pissed. But for blogs I also prefer word, mostly so I can take advantage of spell check.

 Tuesday is named after a Norse God, can't remember which one though, suppose that kills my point. So yeah Tuesday is kind of worthless.

Replay Hell: Final Fantasy XIII (Yes, I'm going there)

Posted on 04/02/2013 at 08:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I have the strat guide and I had to read through the section on the best way to upgrade gear probaly 4 times before I really understood how works. And even then your gonna spend a shit load of time grinding for components, or stuff that you can sell to buy components. And it easier to get money in the real world than it is to get money in this game, especially in the first three chapters.

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