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Jamie Alston's Comments - Page 107

A true Blog for PB; Wii U thoughts.

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 06:52 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Nintendo has got to pick up the pace while they still can.  They had a golden opportunity with the year-long timeline they had before the PS4 or Xbox 720 hit store shelves.  I hope they can make something happen.

Are We Entitled To More?

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 06:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I tell ya...these are some sad times for gamers.  I'm starting shudder just thinking about what the future will bring.

In The Beginning..

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 05:54 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Wow, we are so much alike.  My first memory of gaming was our family going to every Toys R Us store in town looking for an NES in 1989.  I think I fell asleep in the car, but the next morning, I came down stairs and my folks were hooking up the system.  A few minutes later the system was ready to go with Super Marios Bros.Duck Hunt.  First we played Duck Hunt.  My sister and I couldn't aim from far away very well, so we'd always get up real close to the TV.  My older brother was a pro at it though.  I've never walked away from the video game life since.

Also, my dad also gave me the same speech back in PlayStation days about how I don't need to be playing so many games because I won't be gaming much after I turn 20 (or something like that).

Also, seeing an NES and Genesis game being played at game store back in 2002 is what got me into collecting for years!

PixlBit Changelog - March 11, 2013

Posted on 03/11/2013 at 11:12 AM | Filed Under News

Dude, thanks for adding the notification feature. Now I can keep up with my friends blogs more efficiently.

Another 1Up refugee finally comes over.

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 05:48 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Many os us, including myself have come from 1Up.  Welcome home buddy!  Enjoy the new digs.

Micheal Bay.....TMNT......

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 05:38 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Yeah, I heard about this sometime about 6 months ago on a radio station.  People were calling in upset that Michael Bay is changing the origins of the turtles.

I read on Wikipedia that Bay made a statement acknowleding that TMNT has many fans of the original series, and he will take care to treat it with the respect it deserves (basically).  I think he still plans to stick to the whole alien storyline, but I do think it's possible that new TMNT movie might acutally turn out great.  After all, Star Trek (the 2009 movie) deviated from it's original timeline, but tthey were still about to make an amazingly respectable reboot.

My only concern is Megan Fox being in the movie.  The girl can't act.  All she can do is look pretty and pissed off all the time.  Ugh. 

Blog #1

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 05:33 PM | Filed Under Blogs

I haven't played any of these games.  I had Gears of war once, but I never finished it.

Dust looks freak'n cool with it anmie style.  Is that how that game looks during battles, or was that just a cut-scene?

Retronautical: The Expendables

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 05:26 PM | Filed Under Blogs

Heh...thanks man.  I'm still getting used to certain format differences from 1Up.  But I actually prefer this one because Pixlbit has more customization options in the blog editor.

Hopefully, the site will be upgraded to the point where we can recieved e-mails when comments are left on our blogs.  That would make it less of a crap-shoot to know when to check our blogs again.

Diddy Kong Racing

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 05:19 PM | Filed Under Feature

I only played Diddy Kong Racing once in a department store when it first released, but I don't remember how I found the controls to be.  Based on yur review, it sounds like it definitely hasn't aged well.

I've also made the same observation about other racing games that feature secrect items to collect, but have terrible flow and cheap AI, making your efforts to get said item and come in 1st place a pain in the buns.  Really enjoyed reading your review.  I don't see too many Nintendo 64 reviews out there that often.

Damsel in Distress: Part 1 - Tropes vs Women in Video Games

Posted on 03/10/2013 at 01:09 AM | Filed Under Blogs

Soooo...based on the logic of her "wisdom", should my wife ever be in any mortal danger, I should NOT attempt to save her-- even if the ability to save her were in my hands. Because after all, bothering to rescue her would mean that she's nothing more than a sex object to me.

So I guess in part 2, she'll diss Samus Aran for looking attractive despite being a tough main character. Then she'll dump on Tomb Raider for Lara Croft not being portrayed as some "Lifetime" drama about a woman struggling with breast cancer.

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