I never really liked growling either untill I started to listen to Tristania. Opeth is a great band. I really liked the Karnivool and Katatonia. I'm gonna look into those dudes some more. Thanks for the metal! m/
I never really liked growling either untill I started to listen to Tristania. Opeth is a great band. I really liked the Karnivool and Katatonia. I'm gonna look into those dudes some more. Thanks for the metal! m/
I've never seen Doctor Who. I think it's on netflix? I'll go get that switch now lol.
I'd be surprised if Nintendo adopted the online pass. Although there is the VC which I guess you could say is an online pass in a way? Hopefully they will stick to their roots even if I don't plan on buying a Wii U.
My sister refers to Wal-Mart as Hell also, and yet she shops there all the time lol. I don't think I've ever played KOF. I was mostly into Mortal Kombat, Street FIghter 2, and Killer Instinct. Samuari Showdown was cool though.
I saw Metroid Other M at Gamestop for $10, and was gonna get it for my brother, but I don't know man. I hear so many conflicting things about that game. It seems like most people mention the plot and Samus's speech in a negative light. I'd rather have her silent too.
Parasite Eve is one of my favorite rpgs. That game shocked me way back when. Especially that opening scene at the opera. I didn't really care for the second one or Third Birthday, but I wouldn't say it's a bad game. Ignore the haters.
The SNES is my second favorite behind the NES. I remember being utterly blown away the first time I saw Super Mario World! That game is still amazing to this day. I totally forgot about Pocky and Rocky. I need to add that one to my collection. Honestly, I'd much rather a SNES than any of these new consoles that are coming out.
Good review man. I never played this one. It sounds kind of similar to the first Castlevania on NES. I always hated that jumping back when you get hit. So annoying. It's funny that dude would say it's an embarassment. Did he mention the ones on N64? Those were prettty bad from what I've heard.
I tried playing the original Metroid the other day. The only thing I don't really like about it is how it starts you off with 30 health when you continue. It's rather tedious and difficult getting back to full life. I hope to beat it someday without the Justin Bailey code. It may have it's flaws, but that game was revolutionary.
Yeah I played it on normal. Sometimes that last boss would kill me in like 10 seconds lol. I managed to beat the second one though. I'm actually playing the original Ninja Gaiden on NES right now and it's a nightmare! Even worse than these modern ones lol.
Welcome back! That's awesome you ordered a SNES mini. I wouldn't mind being able to play Seikien Densetsu 3. I've played it quite a bit through emulation and like it even more than Secret of Mana. I never did beat Sigma. I fought the last boss a million times, but the way it starts you over at the level before it when you die really pissed me off.