EA have a lot of balls (and money) to think they can get away with this, everyone knew this would happen and they didn't make sure they had suficiant resources.
What a joke.
EA have a lot of balls (and money) to think they can get away with this, everyone knew this would happen and they didn't make sure they had suficiant resources.
What a joke.
it's certainly full of nightmare fuel and and steeped in symbolism, 2 is arguably the best
That's what i never understood about DRM, won't all those games be useless? Wow, what a way to enrich the industry. They knew this would happen don't anyone belive otherwise how dare they create a service that was never garenteed and failing the pubkic with an unusable product.
I Have GX but I suck soo hard at it, the GBA games i'm pretty good at though
Luna was one of the series i looked at, i only ever played one though
haven't watched the Anime and only played one of the games, i'll get to all of them eventually...
That's all an intro needs to do
it was hard, i'll tell you. It got easyier when i tried to be less objective
the 2 games are just different enough to broaden the audience. GG is harder to get into that BB.
Favourite Sci-Fi?...
I like most of them, I mean i'll always have a soft spot for Stargate SG-1, but no real preference.
That's friggin hilarious, modern tech indeed. Playing a Policenauts fan-translation and finished it. Kojima needs to go back to those older games.