yeah it seems like this game is just from another time?
yeah it seems like this game is just from another time?
from what I understand this is a very forgiving review. I think a lot of JRPG fans are disappointed in this one. trashed this sucker.
I've never played the Prime games, but I'd really like to. I have a Gamecube set up. There's no reason for me not to, really.
Normal, but sometimes I make it easy. I play Mass Effect on easy, because I'm just playing it for the story.
yeah i'm ready for the real thing too. I want to invest in a character or characters.
like asrealasitgets, I don't want to rush through the game either. I don't know why people do that.
I use Chase. yeah, all banks are bastards, really. it's funny, you'd think that people taking care of your money -- the most important thing in your life -- would have better customer service. Not!
i feel the same way about DayZ -- it's a crappy, effed up mod, but it's the best zombie game I've ever played, and I can't wait for the full release.
Red Dead is a damn fine game. I'm working on Witcher 1 now, will eventually make it to Witcher 2.
for more obscure info you might want to check Gamefaqs boards and stuff... there's a lot to this game, and there's a lot of equipment and skills and techniques to learn.
unfortunately, according to IGN, Grown ups 2 and Despicable Me 2 did better. Pacific Rim had a disappointing debut. :(
I haven't seen it, but I like giant robot movies.